Monday, October 13, 2014

How The U.S. Military Is Facing Ebola

U.S. Military Faces New Kind Of Threat With Ebola -- Reuters

(CNN) -- On the surface, the nurse in Texas seemed to have taken all the precautions needed to protect herself from Ebola.

She wore a mask, gown, shield and gloves. Her patient, a man who contracted the virus in Africa, was in isolation at the Dallas hospital where she worked.

And yet the woman, whose name has not been released, still contracted Ebola, marking the first known transmission ever in the United States. A nurse in Spain who also treated an Ebola patient also caught the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there was a breach in protocol in Texas, but officials haven't elaborated on what that means. Instead, they said the protocols laid out for American hospitals work.

Read more ....

My Comment: It looks like the realization on the need to be extremely careful is finally hitting these soldiers and their families .... especially when they are reading and seeing news items like the following .... American nurse with protective gear gets Ebola; how could this happen? (CNN)


Rhaegar said...

War news, I hope you have had a nice thanksgiving :).

How bad is the unrest in Kharkov? Is there a risk of the separatists getting to power and what is your friends in Kharkov saying about the unrest? Also who has most support in Kharkov, the separatists or the Ukrainian government?

Also now there has been an assationation attempt against a previous rebel leader in Donetsk, Gubarev, he is heavly wounded but are still alive. Hope you can post about it, saw it on m local news feed, from NRK the Norwegian state media and it was also mentioned at the UA map Ukraine.

War News Updates Editor said...

Rhaegar .... thank you for comment on our Thanksgiving. Family and friends are still here, but I now have some time to read up on the news and to blog what I find interesting.

The only direct information that I am getting from Karkiv right now is from my aunt. My cousins left the city when tensions starting to "heat up" a few months ago. The last time that I talked to her was last week, and she told me that there was a great deal of resentment within her part of the city with the heavy Ukrainian military and security presence. Apparently protestors are usually arrested very quickly, and the city is now deeply divide along sectarian lines .... Ukrainians on one side, Russian - Ukrainians on the other. She also told me that aside from the security situation, the policy that makes her Russian neighbors mad is the education policy of forcing Ukrainian in the schools while prohibiting Russian. This .... and this alone .... is creating a great deal of resentment on the local level, and there will be blow-back against this at some point ion the future.

Rhaegar said...

Thank you for the answer, this is very good information, just to ask when do you think it will be safe to travel to Kharkov? I will pernhaps in 2018 or 2019 visit eastern Ukraine, and I think I want to visit, Donetsk peoples republic (Novorussia) Kharkiv, Dneprovorsk, just to get a good look at Ukraine, do you think this will be safe?

War News Updates Editor said...

2018 is a long time away .... so who knows what will be happening then. But in the years to come .... if you have the chance to travel .... do travel everywhere. I did it .... and it is without question one of the best things that I ever did.