Friday, October 17, 2014

Politics Ukraine Style

Whole Families Run For Seats In Ukraine’s Parliament, President Hands Down Precinct To Son -- ITAR-TASS

Though the parliamentary elections in Ukraine is scheduled for October 26, voters already know the names of many future deputies, who happen to be relatives of active-duty politicians

KIEV, October 17. /TASS/. Early election of deputies to Ukraine’s national parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, is still more than a week off but the voters already know the names of many future deputies, who happen to be relatives of active-duty politicians.

These politicians came to power on the wave of promises to cleanse the ranks of officialdom from those who had been propelled there by family relations, but now they are working hard to feather lucrative nests in the system of state rule for their children, brothers and godparents.

The main VIP candidate for a parliamentary seat is Oleksiy Poroshenko, the 29-year-old son of the president. He is running in precinct No.12 in the Vinnitsa region — the same precinct that has delegated his own father to parliament once in the past.

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My Comment: This is why I have been saying for the past few weeks that the Poroshenko bloc is going to win big ....  the fix is already in. The rebel regions in eastern Ukraine will not be involved in the vote .... but they have bigger issues right now .... In Luhansk, Death For A Cartoon? (Radio Free Europe).



James said...

I didn't know the Kennedys, Bidens, Bushes, and Clintons were Ukrainian!

Please give a proper warning on some of these video's for the weak of heart, such as I. After the first photo I was forced to wash my eyes with Clorox.

War News Updates Editor said...

That is why I use the following special code to warn everyone.


phill said...

Mind blown