Sunday, October 19, 2014

President Obama Is Furious With The CDC's Ebola Response.

U.S. President Barack Obama pauses as he talks next to U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell (L) and Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Thomas Frieden (R) after meeting with his team coordinating the government's Ebola response in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, October 16, 2014. REUTERS/Larry Downing

Furious President Obama Berated Top Aides Behind Closed Doors Over Their Botched Handling of The Ebola Crisis -- Daily Mail

* In a closed-door meeting on Wednesday, President Obama voiced his anger and frustration over the way his top aides responded to the Ebola crisis
* The President placed most of the blame on the Center for Disease Control, who he felt did not do enough to train nurses and doctors
* This meeting was a result of the news that Amber Vinson, a nurse who cared for Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, had contracted the disease
* Vinson was the second nurse to become infected, and had also traveled on a plane the weekend before despite having a fever

President Obama voiced his growing frustration over his administration's handling of the Ebola crisis in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday.

Convening his top aides in the Cabinet room after clearing his schedule for the day, the President let it be known how angry he was about how the government had handled key elements of the response.

This anger no doubt stemmed from the news earlier that day that not only did a second nurse, Amber Vinson, contract the disease while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan in a Dallas, Texas, hospital, but that she had also been able to board a plan and travel back and forth to Cleveland, Ohio, that weekend, while showing symptoms of a fever.

Read more ....

My Comment: If he is angry .... start firing people .... but he will not. In the meantime .... the perceived lack of seriousness on the administration's Ebola response continues .... Obama Golfs For 4 Hours, 40 Minutes On Saturday, Then Holds Nighttime Ebola Meeting--Which New Ebola Czar Skips! (Breitbart)


Rhaegar said...

Cuba has now sent many doctor to help against Ebola. I read it in RT here:

Why isen't this reported in western media?

Unknown said...

Because there is only so much air time.

Any story that gets eyeballs tends to be done ad infinitum until viewership drops.

Or to put it another way,

Certain stories suck all the oxygen out of the room.