Afghanistan Taliban 'Kill 22' In Mountain Ambush -- BBC
Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan have killed at least 22 security force members in an ambush in Sar-e-Pol province north of Kabul, officials say.
The Taliban attacked from the mountains as the convoy was travelling through Laghman valley, officials say, and at least 22 insurgents were also killed.
The Sar-e-Pol provincial governor said that a number of security force vehicles were destroyed.
Earlier a civilian was killed in a suicide bomb attack in Kabul.
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More News On Today's Taliban Ambush
Deadly Taliban ambush in Afghanistan -- Al Jazeera
Taliban ambush in northern Afghanistan kills 22 police -- AFP
Taliban ambush kills 14 Afghan troops as violent clashes continue -- AP
Taliban ambush in Afghan north, bombs in capital and elsewhere kill 25 -- Reuters
Taliban ambush kills 22 security forces in northern Afghanistan -- L.A. Times
Taliban fighters kill 22 Afghan soldiers and police in ambush on convoy -- The Guardian
With the news breaking the way it is, and how the world is poised at the moment, WNU you're going to be busier than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
James .... I am looking at my Reuters and AP news feeds .... and I am losing count on the stories that I can post. This is unprecedented in my 7 - 8 years of doing this blog.
It's bad time indeed, you are right there James. I hope it dosen't get even more worse, but to be realistic thing can escalate in many places, like North Korea which is now behaving "strange", They have a "sick" leader, pernhaps a potential coup. They have now tried friendlines towards South Korea but it seems the negotiations are collapsing and there is sheeling over the border and South Korea has said that if this continues there will be a "strong reaction", hope it will calm down but in Korea everything could happen.
People tend to have the conceit that things can't get as bad as the "bad old days". There is absolutely no reason they can't and no reason they can't be worse than they have ever been.
That being said, I am an optimist.
The real reason for all the mayhem etc, is I'm on the verge of having a real golf game and the golf gods will not tolerate that. I shot a 76 yesterday with only a fair iron game. But, I got around the course in only 26 putts (only 10 putts on the front nine). So I now expect the worst from the gods. They are an envious vicious group of D.ieties
I am humbled.
Winter is soon coming here .... my last game of the year is tomorrow. I will .... cough cough .... try my best to break 76.
Putt like you're not afraid of missing.
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