Friday, October 17, 2014

The Islamic State Now Has Warplanes In Its Arsenal

Does ISIS Have An Airforce? Terrorist 'Fighter Pilots' Are Being Trained On Captured MiGs By Saddam Hussein's Ex-Air Force Officers -- Daily Mail

* Witnesses say ISIS are carrying out test flights at an airport near Aleppo
* Understood to have captured three Soviet-made jets from Syrian Air Force
* They are using former Iraqi Air Force officers to train prospective pilots
* News comes as Al Qaeda looks to mend relations with the Islamic State
* Statement emerged today calling for jihadists to set aside their difference

ISIS fighters are being trained to fly three captured fighter jets at an air base in Syria, observers claimed yesterday.

The reported flights are believed to be the first time the militant group has taken to the air and raises the possibility of attacks on British, US and French targets in neighbouring Iraq.

Rami Abdulrahman, who runs the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said the militants were flying the planes on ‘short flight’ training at the al-Jarrah military airport east of the city of Aleppo, where the group has a major base.

Read more ....

More News On Reports That The Islamic State Has Warplanes In Its Arsenal

Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets' -- BBC
Former Iraqi pilots train IS fighters on MiG jets -- AP
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor -- Reuters
Former Iraqi pilots training ISIS fighters to fly captured Syrian jets, rights group says -- FOX News
Report: Islamic State is training pilots -- UPI
Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group -- The Guardian
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria -- CNN
Isis fighters training to fly captured planes by Iraqi pilots -- The Independent
Ex-Iraqi air force pilots train IS fighters on Syrian jets -- Deutsche Welle
ISIS in Syria train Iraqi pilots in captured jets – monitor -- RT
Islamic State in Syria possesses war jets: activists -- Xinhua News Agency

Update: The U.S. cannot confirm these reports .... U.S. military says unaware of Islamic State flights (Reuters).


Jay Farquharson said...

The Syrian Observatory is a one man op, run by a SGE exile, out of a dress shop in the Cotswolds, partially funded by the EU and the Cameron Government.

A lot of what they put out, is not confirmed, and is anti-Assad agitprop.

War News Updates Editor said...

I know Jay.

But wow .... he has the entire international media in his hands when he makes a news announcement .... and I am definitely jealous with the media that he gets.

James said...

If true, I would not want to be a pilot in one of these planes. There are bad boys in real bad rides who would love to run into one of these guys.

War News Updates Editor said...

I love the above FOX news video report with a former US fighter pilot. To paraphrase .... it is a US fighter pilot's dream to shoot down a MIG.

Jay Farquharson said...

Not that hard to do:

Step one, abandon your morals for some form of greater good,
Step two, find a sponsor looking to push a war, I hear Harper is looking,
Step three, fabricate a Miller/Gordon known unknown into whole cloth from threads,

Eg. ISIS tweeted photos of captured airbases with the probably unserviceable aircraft abandoned there,

Make some of the Former Iraqi Military in ISIS, IAF Pilots and technicians,

Ignore the massive parts and logistical train required to keep a MIG in the air for even a short flight, let alone combat or a Bombing run,

'Cause MIGs are scary,

And by all means, ignore all the L39 Albatross two seat training jets, that would be the easiest to get in the air, and the most usefull if you are trying to build an air arm.

All of a sudden, the Syrian No Fly Zone idea get's whole new legs.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Jay for your advice .... but I like my independence. At least I sleep better.

Jay Farquharson said...

Yup, bad things happen when moral compasses get yanked out,

The navigation system stops working,

And for some of us, the fame and money isn't worth it.

Alex said...

You don't sleep. You are up all night blogging.

And thanks for that!

War News Updates Editor said...

Alex. My biggest regret is that I wish I had more time to do this blog. I love doing this stuff .... and the feedback that I get (both critical or supportive) is my reward.

For your info ..... I put about 6 hours a day on this blog (weekdays) .... I wish that I could do more but (sadly) I need to limit my time because of other projects. My weekend blogging has become less in the past few months .... family and girlfriend are the ones to blame for that .... but then again they charge me up for the week. So I guess it balances out in the end.

And no. I do not get any support from any individual/group/institution/or organization for this blog. I do this blog because I love doing it. Such is the curse for an information junkie like me.

phill said...

Where all the supposed you need buddy....keep up the good work WNU.