Tuesday, October 7, 2014

U.S. Apache Helicopters Are Now Being Used For The First Time Against The Islamic State

U.S. Apache Helicopters Join Battle Against Islamic State -- Wall Street Journal

Attack Helicopters Enter Campaign in Anbar, Equipped With More Sensors and Targeting Devices Than Other Aircraft

WASHINGTON—U.S. military officials on Sunday introduced Apache helicopters into the campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq’s embattled Anbar province, marking the closest air support the U.S. has provided since it began airstrikes in early August.

The use of Apache AH-64 helicopters provided new capabilities in the U.S. fight against Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. The attack helicopters come equipped with a wider array of sensors and targeting devices than other aircraft used in the military operation. The helicopters also are armed with hellfire missiles, which can be fired at targets several miles away.

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More News On U.S. Apache Helicopters Being Used For The First Time Against The Islamic State

U.S. uses helicopters for first time to hit Islamic State rebels -- Reuters
US sends in Apache helicopters as bombing fails to halt Islamic State -- The Australian/The Times
U.S. using Apache helicopters against ISIS in Iraq, defense official says -- CNN
US throws Apache helicopter gunships into fight against Isil -- The Telegraph
US helicopters join fight against ISIS -- The Hill
Islamic State: US military uses Apache attack helicopters against rebels -- ABC News (Australia)
They're back: US uses Apache helicopters against ISIS in Iraq -- RT
U.S. Army Apache strikes Islamic State for first time -- UPI
U.S. Moves to Helicopter Strikes Against Islamic State as Strike Number Gets to 341 -- Newsweek/Reuters


Orion said...

I guess all the maintainers, fuelers, weapons techs, and flight controllers don't count as 'boots on the ground' in Obama's world.


James said...

I commented earlier on a post about this to the effect this is a line once crossed is very hard to go back over. If they use these craft like they should then it's a whole different ballgame. Unless of course the Administration uses them like Clinton did in Bosnia. The chances Of ISIS getting their hands on a troop just went way up.