Friday, October 17, 2014

U.S. Soldiers Being Sent To The Heart Of The Ebola Epidemic In West Africa Have Received Only 4 Hours Of Training

U.S. Soldiers Get Just Four Hours of Ebola Training -- Tim Mak, Daily Beast

As the U.S. military rushes to combat Ebola in West Africa, soldiers are receiving on-the-fly instructions on how to protect themselves against the deadly virus.

American military operations to fight Ebola in Africa are unfolding quickly—forcing the military to come up with some procedures and protocols on the fly.

Soldiers preparing for deployment to West Africa are given just four hours of Ebola-related training before leaving to combat the epidemic. And the first 500 soldiers to arrive have been holing up in Liberian hotels and government facilities while the military builds longer-term infrastructure on the ground.

For soldiers at Fort Campbell and Fort Bragg preparing for their deployments to West Africa, Mobile Training Teams from the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), based out of Fort Detrick, have been tasked with instructing them on Ebola protocols.

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More News On The U.S. Military Ebola Mission To West Africa

U.S. Soldiers Receive Just Four Hours of Ebola Training Before Deployment -- Washington Free Beacon
US Soldiers In Liberia Receive 4 Hours Of Ebola Training And Are Quartered In Hotels -- Medical Daily
In Liberia, U.S. Soldiers Race Ebola -- WSJ
U.S. medics to soon start staffing Ebola hospital in Liberia -- Reuters
U.S. Military Effort to Combat Ebola in Africa to Enter New Phase -- WSJ
US military may need until December to complete Liberia Ebola units -- Washington Post
US Efforts Against Ebola in West Africa Make Progress Without Infecting Personnel -- VOA

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