Friday, October 3, 2014

U.S. Vice President Biden Blames U.S. Allies In The Middle East For The Rise Of The Islamic State

Biden Blames US Allies In Middle East For Rise Of ISIS -- RT

US Vice-President Joe Biden has accused America’s key allies in the Middle East of allowing the rise of the Islamic State (IS), saying they supported extremists with money and weapons in their eagerness to oust the Assad regime in Syria.

America’s “biggest problem” in Syria is its regional allies, Biden told students at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University on Thursday.

“Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria,” he said, explaining that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE were “so determined to take down Assad,” that in a sense they started a “proxy Sunni-Shia war” by pouring “hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons” towards anyone who would fight against Assad.

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More News On U.S. Vice President Biden Blaming U.S. Allies In The Middle East For The Rise Of The Islamic State

U.S., allies face 'long fight' against Islamic State, Biden says -- Reuters
Biden Blames US Allies in Middle East for Rise of ISIL -- Al Manar
US, allies face ‘long fight' against ISIL, Biden says -- Today's Zaman
‘Biden tries to distance US from the mess in the Mideast’ -- Annie Machon, RT

My Comment: There is a lot of blame to pass around .... but I doubt that these remarks are going to be helpful in fighting the present day fight. This is all politics for back home .... after-all .... U.S. Congressional elections are only a few weeks away.

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