Friday, October 3, 2014

U.S. Vice President Biden: The Post-World War II Order Is 'Literally Fraying At The Seams'

Biden: International Order 'Literally Fraying At The Seams' -- Weekly Standard

Speaking at the John F. Kennedy Forum at Harvard Kennedy School in Boston, Massachusetts last night, Vice President Joe Bidengave an extensive rundown of foreign policy challenges and crises that the world and the Obama administration are facing today. Although the vice president expressed confidence in President Obama's policies and leadership, he painted a rather bleak picture of the modern world, quoting as he often does Irish poet William Butler Yeats:

Folks, “all’s changed, changed utterly. A terrible beauty has been born.” Those are the words written by an Irish poet William Butler Yeats about the Easter Rising in 1916 in Ireland. They were meant to describe the status of the circumstance in Ireland at that time. But I would argue that in recent years, they better describe the world as we see it today because all has changed. The world has changed.

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My Comment: And it is all happening under his watch .... a point that he conveniently does not mention.

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