Saturday, November 8, 2014

China Prepares For President Obama's Visit

China's president, Xi Jinping, and Barack Obama are due to meet again at in Beijing this month

To China, Shift In Obama’s Political Fortunes Eclipses U.S. Economic Gains -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — The last time President Obama went to China, five years ago, he was a political supernova from a nation with a depleted, debt-ridden economy. When he returns to Beijing on Monday, he will be a political casualty from a country with a resurgent economy.

White House officials hope the later distinction will outweigh the earlier one when Mr. Obama meets with President Xi Jinping before traveling on to Myanmar and Australia. But they are likely to be disappointed: China, analysts say, is likely to dwell more on Mr. Obama’s electoral reversals than on the comparatively robust American recovery.

“Politics trumps economics, at the end of the day,” said Nicholas R. Lardy, an expert on the Chinese economy at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Read more ....

Update: US mid-terms: China media blasts 'insipid' Obama -- BBC

My Comment: The Chinese are now seeing President Obama as a "lame duck" .... and they are partly right. But two years is a long time .... and President Obama can do a lot during this time.The key issue for the Chinese right now is how to take advantage of this period of time with President Obama. Do they want to work with him .... or do they want to be confrontational .... and my guess is that they are going to decide on what course of action they are going to take after this trip. As to what would I advise the Chinese to do .... I say work with him .... my sense of President Obama is that he is prepared to give concessions on trade and the role that the U.S. will play in Asia. Of course there is a new U.S. Congress who may not be so agreeable .... but that is another story.

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