Friday, November 14, 2014

The U.S. Army Drawdown Continues

Army Cuts Hit Officers Hard, Especially Ones Up From Ranks -- New York Times

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — For all the insecurities of war, Capt. Elder Saintjuste always figured the one thing he could count on from the Army was job security.

A Haitian immigrant who enlisted as a teenager, he deployed three times to Iraq, missing so many birthdays and Christmases that he sometimes felt he barely knew his four children. He hid symptoms of post-traumatic stress so he could stay in the Army, because he loved his job and believed that after 20 years he could retire with a captain’s pension.

Then this summer, on the day Captain Saintjuste reached his 20 years, the Army told him that as part of the postwar downsizing of the force he would have to retire. And adding insult to injury, he would have to retire as a sergeant, earning $1,200 less per month, because he had not been a captain long enough to receive a captain’s pension.

Read more ....

Update: Report: Army officer cuts disproportionately affect prior enlisted -- Stars and Stripes

My Comment: Job security in the military is now becoming a thing of the past.

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