Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Russia's New Military Doctrine

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L) and newly-appointed Army Chief of Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov in the Kremlin in Moscow, on November 9, 2012

Jeremy Bender, Business Insider -- Russia's New Military Doctrine Shows Putin's Geopolitical Ambitions

Update #1: Russia Overhauls Military Doctrine -- Defense News
Update #2: Putin's New Military Doctrine Doubles Down on Jedi Mind Tricks -- Ryan Faith, VICE News

WNU Editor: What's my take about this new Russian military doctrine (I just read quickly scanned the Russian version, no English translation available yet) .... nothing original, nothing new, but a subtle acknowledgement that Russia is not ready to embark on a new arms race with the West. The following commentary sums up a good chunk of my opinion .... Russia's New Military Doctrine All Bark, No Bite (Alexander Golts. Moscow Times).


James said...

I'll beat my drum some more. What worries me is that the West (politicians, MSM, think tanks, and a significant portion of the military)is absolutely fixated on the image of Russia that is the Soviet Union circa 1983. They must stop that. It's quite possible that what you say in your initial comment is quite correct (I haven't read the article), but at the minimum the West has got to start thinking about Russia differently, because it is, and if they don't, it'll cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

War News Updates Editor said...

A lot of U.S. pundit/think tank/media thinking is from the 1980s .... but Russia is definitely in a different place today. Case in point .... it is only Gorbachev and some pundits/think tanks/strategists in the U.S. who are talking about the possibility of nuclear war because of Ukraine and NATO .... but within Moscow itself .... their thinking is .... when will the price of oil go back up.

That is why I love living in Canada .... I am outside the box and I am in a position to see how different the mindsets are .... in both Moscow and Washington.

beasties the kid said...

God help us with love

James said...

I wonder if anyone ever looks in the vases?