Thursday, February 26, 2015

Is Russian President Putin's Approval Rating At 86% Real?

Sputnik: Putin's Approval Rating Rises to 86 % - Independent Poll

Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has jumped to 86 percent, a 17-percent increase since February 2014, the Levada Center, an independent pollster, says.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has jumped to 86 percent, a 17-percent increase since February 2014, according to a recent poll by the independent Levada Center, media reports said.

While the majority approved of Putin's presidency, 13 percent of respondents disapproved or refused to answer the question, according to the poll.
It also revealed that 59 percent of those polled currently trust Putin.

WNU Editor: When you watch the above CNN video .... you walk away with the sense that these numbers are all bogus. As to what is my take .... when Russians read news stories like this one .... U.S. Armor Units Parade 300 Yards From The Russian Border .... yes .... his approval ratings go off the chart. Regular readers of this blog know that my nationality is Russian (I am now a Canadian citizen) ... but I still know a few hundred Russian friends and family members back in the old country. If I was to do a poll among them .... with the exception of myself and maybe a cousin or two .... they all support Putin and would vote for him in the next Presidential election. His most fervent supporters are the pensioners .... he has treated them well (at least better than his predecessors) .... and they reward him with their support. Putin has also positioned himself extremely well .... when Russians feel threaten they always circle the wagons, and Putin has positioned himself to be in the middle of this circle. But these high approval ratings should not really surprise anyone .... after-all .... President Obama enjoys 90% (if not more) support from the American black community .... but if you at look at the economic numbers for this community ... it has been a complete disaster for most of them during the 6 soon to be 7 years of his Presidency. But I understand why they still support him .... they still believe that he cares about them. The same thing can be said for Putin and the Russian community

More News On Russian President Putin's Popularity Polls

Putin's Approval Rating Creeps Up to 86%, Poll Shows -- Moscow Times
Vladimir Putin’s approval rating soars to 86 percent: ‘That figure is made up,’ critic says -- Washington Times
Vladimir Putin's approval rating? Now at a whopping 86% -- CNN


Unknown said...

Are the polls conducted by Gallup real or are they skewed?

Different nation, same problem.

War News Updates Editor said...

Good question Aizino. I always like to believe that the polls are skewed .... Putin and Obama are not my favorites .... but they both have the habit of winning, and that is hard to ignore.