Obama's Childish Selfie Indulgence Diminishes Presidency
Leadership: As our narcissist in chief poses and preens with a selfie stick in a BuzzFeed video, the world comes apart at the seams and chaos reigns. Have we ever had a less serious person in the White House?
The BuzzFeed selfie-video — titled "Things Everybody Does But Doesn't Talk About, Featuring President Obama" — was done, supposedly, to promote ObamaCare signups. But the visual of the president yucking it up at a time of growing danger will travel around the world, sending the most dangerous of messages to friend and foe alike.
WNU Editor: This is one very strange video .... no other White House in history would have ever permitted such a a video to be released in such a format because they know how it would be interpreted overseas. But this White House .... I guess their priorities are different.
On a side note I sent this video to some friends in Moscow and Beijing and I asked them if President Putin or President Xi would ever do this .... there first response was shock at seeing the video .... and no .... Putin or Xi would never be profiled in such a manner because it would give the wrong image on "The Office of the President".
Lighten up. Realists expecting idealism?
american's deserve everything they are getting and will get; after all, they elected this clown not once, but twice.
Too much misplaced anger here, I remember President Nixon saying sock it to me on laugh in....and Bush the younger saluting while holding Barney, Obama is doing a great job, and still no guns taken, no FEMA camps, and you all still have open carry
He is doing an awful job and just because other presidents occasionally did dumb crap too doesn't excuse or change the fact that he is the worst president we have ever had. At least until the retards manage to elect hilary.
I did not expect an argument over this post .... but I blame myself for not making myself clearer. It is just that in the past no one would have made such a video .... it was not the image that they wanted to project on what the President is all about.
We all know that Presidents are just like us .... humor, silly stuff, and they have been know to ham it up for the cameras once in a while. It is just that no one ever did something like this .... that is why I said it was strange .... but social media is something new and being what it is .... it would not surprise if leaders of other countries start to do the same thing.
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