Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ukraine Ceasefire Generally Being Observed. Artillery Strikes Continue At Debaltseve

Reuters: Ukraine military says some rebel shelling but ceasefire generally observed

(Reuters) - Ukraine's military said on Sunday pro-Russian rebels had shelled Ukrainian positions ten times since a ceasefire came into effect at midnight, but that the truce was in general being observed.

The ceasefire, negotiated in four-power talks on Thursday, foresees the creation of a neutral buffer zone and withdrawal of heavy weapons responsible for many of the 5,000 deaths in a conflict that has caused the worst crisis in Russia-West relations since the Cold War a generation ago.

WNU Editor: There are many flashpoint in this conflict that can re-start the war immediately .... the big one being at Debaltseve. Apparently thousands of Ukrainian troops are now trapped in this "pocket" .... and I will harbor a guess that they will either try to break out and/or the Ukraine army will be launching an offensive to free them. Rebel commanders have also said that the ceasefire does not cover Debaltseve, that as far as they are concerned .... the war is still ongoing. A week ago reader Jay posted a comment that the the battle for Debaltseve has all the markings of the battles that occurred at Donetsk airport after the September ceasefire was signed .... and he is right. He is also right that when looking at the sheer numbers of soldiers and civilians involved who are trapped in this pocket .... the bloodshed has the potential of being far worse.

More News On The Ukraine Ceasefire

Ukraine cease-fire holds, except in one spot -- CBS/AP
Ukraine truce threatened as warring sides trade accusations of new attacks -- Mashable
Relief in Ukraine conflict zone but doubts about truce -- AFP
Ukraine Cease-Fire Largely Holding -- WSJ
Amid doubts, truce in Ukraine appears to take hold -- Washington Post
New Ukraine ceasefire is largely respected -- Euronews
Strategic Ukrainian towns fall silent at midnight -- Euronews
Ukraine ceasefire 'generally observed' -- Channel 4 News
Fragile ceasefire in E. Ukraine: Kiev, rebels say ‘in general’ truce observed -- RT
DPR defence ministry: situation in Donetsk Republic quiet, truce is observed generally -- ITAR-TASs
OSCE says Ukraine rebels turn back monitors from Debaltseve -- Reuters
Separatist commander says can fire on Ukrainian transport hub town despite truce -- Reuters


James said...

I have been noticing in photos and video Kievian armored vehicles with id markings painted on top of turret hatches and apparently the turrets themselves. Evidently they fear attack from the air. If it's because of friendly fire then their C&C communications are not very good. If it's fear of attack from the opposing side, then there are things in the air we haven't heard about.

Jay Farquharson said...


The LPA claims to have a SU-25 Frogfoot, an Alpha jet, and two Mil-8's, rescued from an aviation museum, the Ukraine Army claims to have destroyed them.

Both sides are using drones for recon and artillary spotting, from Hobby level to on the Ukrainian side, old 1960's ramjets,

The UAF however, has horrid communication, no tactical or positional awareness, and regularly shell their own guys.

War News Updates Editor said...

I have a video somewhere in this blog that showed a Ukrainian armored column being hit by a Ukrainian gunship sometime in August .... so communications and tactical awareness leave a lot to desire. I was told last week that for the Ukrainian army it is friendly fire and the use of artillery by the pro-Russian rebels that is responsible for a bulk of their casualties.