Thursday, February 26, 2015

U.S. Is Aware Of Secret Iranian Facility That Is Part Of Its Claudestine Nuclear Program

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrives for testimony before a Senate committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, February 24, 2015. Press TV

Washington Free Beacon: Kerry: U.S. Aware of Illicit Iranian Nuke Facility

Secret facility disclosed by Iranian opposition group

Secretary of State John Kerry admitted before Congress on Wednesday that the United States is aware of a secret Iranian facility that an Iranian opposition group identified this week as part of an undisclosed parallel nuclear program.

The group, the National Council of the Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has a history of disclosing the existence of Iranian nuclear facilities that the United States has been later forced to confirm were indeed part of a clandestine nuclear program.

Previous Post: Has A Secret Iranian Nuclear Weapons Complex Been Discovered?

Update #1: John Kerry: U.S. looking into dissidents’ claims of new Iranian nuke cheating -- Washington Times
Update #2: U.S. looking into NCRI’s revelation of secret Iran nuclear site, Kerry says -- NCRI

WNU Editor: So why is the U.S. still negotiating? You just cannot make up this stuff.


James said...

Have you been chasing rabbits Mr. Kerry?

Unknown said...

If Kerry won't be a slave in the 9th circle, whenever he passes on 20 or 30 years from now, you are looking at one of the dukes of Hell.

That's his face.

James said...

"If Kerry won't be a slave in the 9th circle, whenever he passes on 20 or 30 years from now, you are looking at one of the dukes of Hell."
Going all Dante on the guy, Aizino!?!?!

fab z said...

Because the only other alternative is to push Iran farther away through sanctions (which has never worked) and they are not willing to do that, much less confronting them militarily.

fab z said...

Because the only other alternative is to push Iran farther away through sanctions (which has never worked) and they are not willing to do that, much less confronting them militarily.

Unknown said...

Going Dante?

Well, yes, the news is depressing and the cad Kerry is playing his cards to benefit himself and not the common wealth.

I don't see how mankind reaches the stars if a group like ISIS takes over. they will destroy too much. After a complete take over they might restart some research and development, but it might be too little too late. We don't have generations and generations to futz around and get it right.

It is like a track meet. You have to run fast enough and you have to get your stride correct so you don't spill on a hurdle.

England was forced to use coal a few centuries back as lumber was off limits to certain industries (like glass making; see "The Day the Universe Changed") due to its' scarcity.

Also in 19th century U.s. oil started coming on line as whales were becoming scarce as a source of fuel.
El Rushbo believes that as we run out of one energy resource it will naturally spur enough research and innovation to come up with the next one. that might be a good rule of thumb. But every rule has an exception and it would not be wise to base the fate of civilization on such a rule.

It takes a lot of research to get the efficiencies that we have gotten out of solar cells. Even after you understand the principles it take a lot of effort for manufacturing engineers and other types to keep an assembly running at capacity and producing quality product instead of scrap or rework.

I don't see how an ISIS control world could get the holy grail, fusion, of energy completed.

Even if ISIS could after they were large and in charge, the interregnum might be too long.


Kerry could make his stint at Secretary of State a win win for himself and the american people. But he is not.

Therefore the reference to Dante.

He deserves it.

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Everything in Washington is for sale, for the right price.

"Menendez’s advocacy for the Mojahedin at the October hearing wasn’t new, but it signaled that by 2013 the group had come full circle: from an outlaw terrorist outfit to a player on Capitol Hill. How that happened is a classic story of money, politics and the enduring appeal of exile groups promising regime change."

Unknown said...

fab z

Sanctions coupled with the Saudis engaging in an oil war and the stress of funding combat in Syria and Iraq, may have very well have destroyed the Ayatollah's power.

The Ayatollahs have a budget too. They can crack.

Now we might not know because, Obama eased the sanctions.

The Arab Spring happened because of soaring food prices in the main.

Economics has an effect. It is like a siege. you have to hold out long enough. Obama did not.

James said...

"Kerry could make his stint at Secretary of State a win win for himself and the american people. But he is not."
No, I disagree. He and those like him in Washington are trapped in delusion of their own making. He is the poster boy of the ambitious fool, that seems to populate Washington and other governments across the world and they will play out their parts and take most of us with them.

fab z said...

Aizino, you have a great point... Thanks for sharing and I agree it could've worked.