Wednesday, February 11, 2015

U.S. Marines Surender Their Weapons To The Rebels In Yemen

CNN: Official: Houthis take U.S. vehicles, weapons in Yemen

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN)Houthi rebels took all U.S. Embassy vehicles parked at the Yemeni capital's airport and wouldn't let departing U.S. Marines take their weapons with them, a top Sanaa airport official said about the latest evidence of unrest in an Arab nation long seen as key in America's fight against terrorists.

WNU Editor: For a U.S. Marine this must be humiliating. Reports are also coming out that the U.S. embassy has been looted .... if true .... expect even more disturbing images to be released soon.

1 comment:

Jay Farquharson said...

They had to deal with it in the Osettia Georgian War, so they should be starting to get used to it.