Thursday, February 26, 2015

Video Emerges Showing Islamic State Fighters Destroying 3,00 Year-Old Artifacts In Mass Destruction Of Iraqi Historical Antiquities

Daily Mail: ISIS thugs take a hammer to civilisation: Priceless 3,000-year-old artworks smashed to pieces in minutes as militants destroy Mosul museum

Extremists used power drills and sledgehammers to smash ancient items
They wrecked a series of 3,000-year-old statues at museum in Mosul, Iraq
One vandal says items being destroyed because they promoted idolatry
Comes after thugs destroyed thousands of books at Mosul Public Library

More News On Emerging Videos Showing Islamic State Fighters Destroying Iraq's Historical Artifacts

Islamic State 'destroys ancient Iraq statues in Mosul' -- BBC
New ISIS video shows militants smashing ancient Iraq artifacts -- New York Daily News/AP
IS Militants Smash Ancient Iraqi Artifacts To Dust In New Video -- Radio Free Europe
Islamic State video shows militants smashing priceless Iraq treasures -- The Telegraph
Islamic State Video Shows Militants Destroying Museum Artifacts in Iraq -- WSJ
Islamic State fighters destroy Iraq antiquities -- USA Today
ISIS Releases Video Showing Destruction of Priceless Artifacts -- Slate
ISIS destroys ancient artifacts in new video -- Mashable
ISIS Militants Storm Museum and Smash 3,000 Year Old Assyrian Sculptures on Video -- ArtNet

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

I am surprised they aren't selling artifacts to fund their war. Perhaps they are.