Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Tabulation Of What The U.S. Lost When They Admitted That $500 Million In Weapons Given To Yemen Had Disappeared

Zero Hedge: US "Loses" $500 Million In Weapons Given To Yemen, Now In Al-Qaeda Hands

Nobody could have possibly foreseen that yet another US foreign diplomacy "success story" would turn out to be an epic disaster. Well, nobody, except for those who accurately predict that every US intervention abroad is now a staggering fiasco (for everyone involved except the US military-industrial complex of course). As for Yemen, the outcome was clear long ago:

And, naturally, after noting that "the employees said that more than 20 vehicles were taken by the fighters after the Americans departed from Sanaa's airport" we asked how long until we have a "tabulation of losses to US taxpayers, just like the great Islamic State 'robbery' of hundreds of millions in US military equipment in Iraq?" That, of course, was another epic US intervention success story.
Anyway, thanks to WaPo we have an answer: according to Jeff Bezos' recent media acquisition, "the Pentagon is unable to account for more than $500 million in U.S. military aid given to Yemen." 

Previous Post: U.S. Loses Track Of $500 Million In Weapons Given To Yemen

WNU Editor: A no one in Washington has been held responsible for this fiasco.


jj said...

Anyone with even a whit of military knowledge knows that no soldier would leave weapons/equipment intact for the enemy to exploit.
It all sounds fishy to me.

B.Poster said...

The soldiers guarding the weapons could have been killed. This is the most likely scenario if they Yemeni forces. I think this is most likely, as it seems unlikely Yemen is going to allow the Americans access to these military assets once transferred to Yemeni control.

If Americans had control of the weapons, I doubt anyone in the American military really wants to die for dear old Yemen. (Sarcasm off.) At that time they would have one of two choices, 1.)face down a force that vastly outnumbers them trying to defend the weapons to death which would surely come or 2.)surrender the weapons and be allowed to live.

As for the military industrial complex this is not good for them either. They cannot possibly keep up with this pace of trying to replace lost weapons for an extended period of time. Ultimately, if this kind of thing continues, the entire system will collapse. Surely they are busily explaining this to the political leaders. If/when the system collapses, we will not even be able to defend America much less carry out operations overseas.