Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Greece Is Preparing To Seize German Properties For World War II Reparations

RT: Greece threatens to seize German property, Berlin refuses to pay WWII reparations

Germany says it won’t pay Greece World War 2 reparations after Greek PM Alexis Tsipras said Berlin is using legal tricks to avoid paying compensation. Germany says it’s honored its obligations, while Greece says it may start seizing German property.

Germany once again dismissed Greek demands to pay reparations for the 1941-44 Nazi occupation of Greece.

WNU Editor: Even the Russian anchor in the above video is skeptical of these Greek demands ... if not downright sneering. Not surprising .... some Germans are beyond furious right now .... Germany's Merkel narrowly avoided bigger revolt on Greece - sources (Reuters).

More News On Reports That Greece Is Preparing To Seize German Properties For World War II Reparations

Defying Germany, Greek minister says ready to sign World War Two reparation order -- Reuters
Greece threatens to seize German property as compensation -- BBC
Athens threatens to seize German assets over WWII reparations --
Greece to seek German war reparations -- The Australian
Greece sours German relations further with demand for war reparations -- The Guardian
Germany used legal tricks to avoid WW2 reparations: Greece -- Reuters
Greece to demand WWII reparations from Germany -- Deutsche Welle
Greece Raises German War Reparations And Damages Again; Germany Says All Settled Already -- Forbes
Germany brushes off Greek calls for World War Two reparations -- Reuters
Berlin's 'no' prompts Athens threat to seize German assets over reparations claim -- Deutsche Welle
Germany Won’t Negotiate With Greece Over Compensation for Nazi Atrocities -- WSJ
Greek Debt Talks Are Tested by Fraying Ties With Germany -- New York Times

Update: The Greeks are apparently demanding $332 billion euros .... or $350 billion US in damages. But here is the funny part .... from what I am reading .... many Greeks actually believe that they are going to get this amount as well as not being responsible for their existing international debt and obligations of about $300 billion USD.

This is what a country looks like when its government and its people have made the decision to collectively commit suicide.


frances said...

"This is what a country looks like when its government and its people have made the decision to collectively commit suicide. "

Or perhaps this is what a country does hen it wants to be thrown out of the EU, sort of like Brer Rabbit when he said, "oh please don't throw me in that briar patch.."

frances said...

And another perhaps farfetched thought ; what if once they are thrown out of the EU they delay making any payments at all saying they need to collect past WWII debt from Germany before they can enter into any payment agreement?

jj said...

Greece should have defaulted when their debt was only 40 billion,now with all the bailouts it's 300+ billion .. turning the Greeks into banker debt slaves ..

Good job EU/IMF

James said...

Betcha Italy, Spain, and Portugal are watching very closely.