Sunday, March 22, 2015

Is Obama The Worst President Ever?

WNU Editor: He is getting there .... but he is not there yet .... he is just continuing a long line of bad Presidents who have a knack of disappointing all of us at the end.

15 comments: said...

One need ask what patriotism the intention of publishing such an opinion?

Unknown said...

If he is not the worst than what are the current rankings?

Unknown said...

hes not worst wnu name ur top 3 worst us pres he must be there

War News Updates Editor said...

My list includes Presidents since the end of the Second World War.
President Carter ....solely because he did not understand the Soviet Union nor the threat that they posses. President Johnson .... Vietnam, and the growing/expanding role of government in people's lives, President Nixon .... a culture of corruption that has grown exponentially since then. I am not a fan of both President Bush's .... raising taxes and starting unnecessary wars are not my cup of tea, President Clinton .... well .... the consummate politician .... which means he should never be trusted. Who do I admire .... President Reagan who understood the dangers of an ever expanding government and who understood the threat that the Soviet Union posed and the need to engage it and to expose its immorality. Eisenhower and Truman were products of the Second World War .... they stuck to their convictions and contained as best as they could the growing expansion of communism.

In regards to President Obama .... he is a big disappointment. He had the opportunity as America's first biracial President to raise the country above its horrible history of slavery and discrimination by virtue of his own election .... instead .... he has chosen to inflame it. His push to nationalize the health care system is also going to be remembered as a disaster .... I live in Canada and I have had first hand experience on what this country's health care system can do to our very ill and elderly .... it is not pretty. Throw in the destruction of the middle class and a continuation of President Bush's war policies with his own tweaks to it .... well .... you get the picture .... a big disappointment.

B.Poster said...

In the case of Iraq, the sanctions were collapsing and gad already de facto collapsed, we were engaged in what many commentators referred to as a "low grade war" against Iraq, we were losing this low grade war, Iraq was getting stronger, was on the verge of breaking out of the sanctions, and was bitterly hostile to America with no real prospect for change in the relationship. As such, I can understand why certain leaders made the decision to remove Saddam Hussein's government. Unfortunately the execution was botched.

Specifically the proper force structure necessary to provide security post invasion was not provide nor was it properly managed. Frankly such an operation is beyond our capability. As such, the nations building phase never should have been instituted and someone had to know leaving a vacuum would only strengthen Iran. Yes a bad idea all the way around that never should have happened. As for better approaches to America's national defense, I will put in another post.

For what its worth, I'd list Ronald Reagan as the greatest president ever. when he came to office the Soviet Union was the most powerful military force the world had ever seen. Yet the Soviet Union did not survive.

Today we are fighting Cold War 2. This time as in Cold War 1 Russia is the more powerful country militarily. Unfortunately this time the gap is bigger between the powers than it was then with Russia having an even bigger advantage now than then. Throw in the moral squishes on the side of the US and the gap becomes even bigger still. America survived Cold War 1. God willing it will survive Cold War 2.

B.Poster said...

A better approach to America's national defense which I first formulated in 2004 but am modifying to fit current realities would be as follows. 1.)Immediately redeploy all military forces and support personnel to positions along America's borders and off its coasts. This would allow them a fighting chance to defend the nation. 2.) Upgrade and expand the nuclear arsenal and the means to deliver it. 3.)It's clear our immigration system is a mess. As such, place a 10 year moratorium on all immigration to allow us breathing space to fix the problems. There should be an indefinite moratorium on immigration from Middle Eastern and Islamic countries as it makes little sense to invite people into your home who wish to harm you. 4.)Develop all of our own oil and gas reserves including an expansion of fracking and increase our refining capacity. In time, this would give us some leverage against foreign suppliers. Right now we have very little. While fracking has helped a the margins, more needs to be done. 5.)Streamline the regulations affecting domestic manufacturing making it less costly to manufacture needed items in the US. This would, in time, allow us to not have to depend upon countries like China for needed items.

Do these things and we'd get more utility for our national security interests and economic interests than anything we are currently doing. More would likely need to be done but these are good places to start.

B.Poster said...


I apologize for the multiple posts. Your take on the Canadian health care system is interesting. Being from Canada you should know!!

In the US, we have been told from our media that the Canadian health care system is better than ours. As such, now everyone "knows" this. In fact, POTUS and his team could have copied the Canadian system word for word and easily gotten it passed into law. As I understand it, the Canadian law has something like only 9 pages to it or something to this effect. It does seem it would be better than the monstrosity that is the Affordable Care Act but from what you've written it seems in not the panacea the media would have us believe it is.

War News Updates Editor said...

No need to apologize for your multiple posts B. Poster. It is comments and feedback from my readers that gives me the "juice" to blog.

To begin .... health care in Canada is a provincial responsibility .... so the health care system is different for each province.

My brother lives in San Francisco who has had experience in both systems and who sums it up best. Break your arm in California .... with no insurance it will cost you about $20,000 to $30,000 to have it taken care of. In Canada ... . nothing .... because we pay our taxes to cover the bills. The problem comes to diseases like cancer (which in Quebec the service is substandard with long waiting periods) ... or elective surgery .... where the wait times could be months or even years .... something which my friend who needed knee surgery found out (No surprise .... he went to New York State and paid for it out of his own pocket to have it treated). Another good friend of mine suffered a stroke in 1997 .... but the medication that he needed (tPA) was not available in Quebec. As a result .... 2 years of therapy and convalescence instead of being able to almost fully recovered if the drug was available (as it was readily available in the U.S. at the time).

On a personal note ... I contracted Lyme disease about 14 years ago. No treatment in Canada was available .... I was treated at Mount Sinai in New York City at a cost of about $40,000. To this day I say thank you for having that option available, and I would have been ready to spend $400,000 if not more to have the necessary treatment.

In Russia .... where the idea of free health care first started .... the health care system is free .... but those who pay get a far better service. I recall reading a poll a few years ago on what did Russians think of this dual system .... the vast majority were in favor of it ... and so am I. In France .... they also have a dual service .... that is working extremely well. The British system is a disaster .... as all my British friends tell me.

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

In contrast, in the US, the #1 cause of personal bankruptcies, is medical expenses. Just think of the young BC couple's who's childs premature birth in Hawaii, cost them $800K.

While there is waste and inefficiencies in the Canadian Healthcare system, it has also been subject to continual rounds of defunding, while at the same time, medical costs have risen, and Canada's population has aged.

In the early '80's, I was living and working in the US, when I got a massive infection of a lymph node, right by my carrotted artery. My co-pay, with the Plan I had at the time, would have been $50K. No way I could afford that, that was 4 years wages.

Long story short, between the library and an Army Surplus store, I cut the infection out with a straight razor, infront of the bathroom mirror, cauterized the venus with a hot wire, and packed the wound with sulfa drugs. I only slightly nicked the artery.

Obama's legacy is that he completly wasted an unprecidented Mandate for change, at a time when the need for change was world wide, by embracing a policy of "some more of the same, lite".

War News Updates Editor said...

As I tell everyone that I know Jay .... please do not get sick.

Unknown said...

Cost accounting is a very scary thing for a inefficient organization. I would like to see a CPA break down 800K or 50K and justify it. It can;t be pretty. I only have a course in cost accounting, but I got some of the concepts down. there has to be deadwood, inefficiency, exhorbitant fees or something.

The medical field is not a free market. There is a lot of gatekeeping. 1st off there is a doctor pipeline. That pipeline will cost you. It is not a free market.

My family had a premature birth. It cost 50k, but it was not Hawaii.

Jay Farquharson said...


In the US, if you have Insurance, the Insurer can negotiate a $50 bandaid, or a $25 generic asprin, down to $10 or less.

If you don't have insurance, a good Personal Bankruptcy Lawyer, can do pretty close to the same.

Blue Cross for example, because of it's Corporate Size, only pay's Hospitals $7.50 for bags of saline, the same bag they charge the uninsured $187.75 for.

Unknown said...

"If you don't have insurance, a good Personal Bankruptcy Lawyer, can do pretty close to the same."

I am not going to dispute that.

What I am saying is that it is not a free market.

B.Poster said...

WNU and all,

Thank you for the information on this and for the clarification of experiences with the Canadian health care system. I think we can sum up things by saying in Canada if you have something like a broken arm, broken leg, or broken toe and don't have insurance you'd be better off in the Canadian system. If you have a major illness such as cancer or diabetes and don't have insurance but can afford to pay the costs for treatment, you'd be better off in America and if you have such a major illness in Canada you'd better hope you have the money so you can get to America for treatment. Praise God you had the money to cover your treatments, WNU!!

Actually whether or not people are covered under health insurance is really a secondary issue. The primary issue is the cost of treatment. Team Obama chose to focus on the secondary issue. They should have been focusing on how to get the costs down. Once the costs are down, then we can focus on how to pay for it either via "single payer" or private insurance.

I can see why the media tells us the Canadian system is better. Broken arms and broken legs are far more common occurrences than cancer. Unfortunately the media failed to mention key facts that might influence a user of said facts conclusion. I think it'd be the correct answer to say that which one is better depends upon the circumstances of the individual.

Jay Farquharson said...

B. Poster,

It really depends.

If for example, you need a new hip, the wait list is between 2 and 4 years by Province, you will get pain meds and therapy, but a new hip now costs the Medical System over $50K, where a decade ago it cost about $30K, and there are twice as many people needing new hips as there was a decade ago, and the annual budgets Provincially for funding new hips has not gone up much.

If on the other hand, you have $150-$225K in cash kicking around, you can go to the US or Abroad, (India charges about $35K), for a new hip.

It's "elective" surguries, that are on long wait times, so, new hips, acl replacement, new knees,.....

Heart attacks and Cancer, not so much, unless it's a "cutting edge" treatment or drug.

And the key rule, is you have to have the money.