Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The U.S. Wants Vietnam To Stop Aiding Russian Bomber Flights By Not Permitting Them To Use Their Bases For Refueling

Reuters: Exclusive: U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights

(Reuters) - The United States has asked Vietnam to stop letting Russia use a former U.S. base to refuel nuclear-capable bombers engaged in shows of strength over the Asia-Pacific region, exposing strains in Washington's steadily warming relations with Hanoi.

The request, described to Reuters by a State Department official, comes as U.S. officials say Russian bombers have stepped up flights in a region already rife with tensions between China, U.S.-ally Japan and Southeast Asian nations.

Update #1: US to Vietnam: Stop aiding Russian bombers -- The Hill
Update #2: US Bullies Vietnam to Stop Military Cooperation With Russia -- Sputnik

WNU Editor: Relations between Russia and Vietnam go back to the 1950s .... the Vietnamese are not going to change that alliance because of what the U.S. may want.


jj said...

What business is it of the US what Vietnam or for that matter,what any other sovereign country in the world is doing ..

Exceptionalism is leading to their eventual demise ..

James said...

Kerry, maybe the Viets think you dinky dau.

D.Plowman said...

The US had (and probably still does) used Shannon Airport (Ireland) in the past to land their planes and refuel while conducting CIA rendition flights.

I was vehemently opposed to that, and I can see the double-standards as clear as day here with the US government demanding that Vietnam refuse Russian bomber crews.