Sunday, March 22, 2015

What Life Is Like At The White House

Business Insider: 13 fascinating moments that reveal what life is like at the White House

The 223-year-old White House, has 6 levels, 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 28 fireplaces, and is home to the world's most powerful person. The most public of private residences is also a command center for nearly 17,000 employees.

Here are some of our favorite facts and stories of what life is like inside the White House:

WNU Editor: I have never had the chance to take a tour of the White House .... one more thing to put on my bucket list. The above video narrated by Morgan Freeman is impressive, and the White House interactive tour is here.


Rhaegar said...

War news just check out this article form Kiev post: this is quite remarkable to find this kind of article in a so pro Ukrianian newspaper. Lets hope this is a good sign that there could be hope of the Ukrainian government realising that they need to solve this conflict diplomaticly. Also would be nice to hear your thoughts about it.

B.Poster said...

Actually the most powerful person in the world right now is Vladimir Putin and not POTUS. also, the leadership of China is quite powerful and influential as well. Actually it would be most accurate to say that POTUS is one of several very powerful people rather than clearly the "world's most powerful person" because he is not.