Thursday, April 23, 2015

Chechen Leader Tells His Security Forces To Shoot At Russian Troops Who Are Operating In Chechnya Without Approval

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) met with Chechnya's leader Ramzan Kadyrov at the Kremlin in Moscow, Dec. 4, 2014. Reuters

The Guardian: Chechen leader tells soldiers to fire on unapproved Russian troops in region

Ramzan Kadyrov instructs security forces to shoot at soldiers from other regions operating in Chechnya without his permission

Chechnya’s leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has told his security forces to open fire on Russian federal troops if they operate in the region without his approval.

He told his troops they could shoot at unauthorised soldiers from other regions after the killing of a man in the Chechen capital, Grozny, by security forces from a neighbouring region.

Kadyrov said: “I would like to officially state: open fire if someone from Moscow or Stavropol, it doesn’t matter, appears on your turf without your knowledge. We have to be reckoned with.”

WNU Editor: This sounds more like .... shoot first, ask questions later. This is also tells me that relations between Moscow and Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov may not be as "rosy" as in the past .... and that serious differences may now be starting to come between them. There also is more to this story than what is being said.

More News On Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Telling His Security Forces To Shoot At Russian Troops Who Are Operating Without Approval

Chechen leader tells men to open fire on Russian federal troops if they act without approval -- FOX News/AP
Chechnya's Security Forces To 'Open Fire' On Russian Troops Operating Without Permission, Ramzan Kadyrov Says -- IBTimes
Kadyrov Tells Police 'Shoot To Kill' Security From Outside Chechnya -- Radio Free Europe


James said...

I always felt the Nemtsov killing was a "message" to the Kremlin. With this and other information makes it seem more like a warning for Putin, or somebody else in the Kremlin from these Chechen guys.
But as always for me the question is why? I'd heard that the FSB and Kadyrov had some kind of bad blood going, but I'd also heard that Kadyrov was a little of the golden child to Putin. You're right there's more there, I'm just not seeing it.

War News Updates Editor said...

I am also not sure on what is happening here .... but I do know that Ramzan Kadyrov's relations with the Kremlin have changed in the past few months. But then again ... he and Putin are close political allies, and Putin does not have the reputation of getting rid of those who have helped him in the past.

James said...

You know I'm taking a second look at the above photo. The main props the papers and pens, Putin's are pushed to the side Kadyrov's still in front. It's almost as if Putin Putin pushed his out of the way in the sense of "alright listen to me" type of laying out the facts to Kadyrov. Ah the musings of an amateur, it could ALL be a pose. I've got to find out a little more on this Kadyrov guy. He sure looks the goon in the pic.

War News Updates Editor said...

James .... Russians and Chechens have a long history .... and much of it not good. As to my own personal experiences .... let me put it this way .... when it became known that the Boston Marathon bombers were Chechens .... I was not surprised and I knew exactly why these guys did what they did. They both did it because they both wanted to do it at that moment in time .... to get a kick out of it .... to be the goon/thug/killer that they see themselves as .... to brag about it amongst themselves and their friends.

Ramzan Kadyrov is like that too .... but he serves Putin's interests well because he diverts that energy in killing Chechen extremists instead of Russians. But how long can that relationship last .... I do not know the answer to that. It could end tomorrow .... or last for the next decade.

Unknown said...

After what happened on Ukraine i would do the same.. i wouldn't want Russian in my country destabilizing the mass and creating conflicts to take a region.