Monday, April 13, 2015

Does Iran's Supreme Leader Means No When He Says No To The Nuclear Framework Agreement

Eli Lake, Bloomberg: Iran's Supreme Leader Gets to No

Here’s the thing about agreements. The parties that enter into them have to actually, you know, agree.

Take the Iran framework agreement, for instance. President Barack Obama says he has one on the basics of the nuclear deal with Iran. He doesn't. How do we know this? Because Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran -- the only person who decides on this matter -- says he hasn't agreed to the most important elements of the deal as laid out in the White House fact sheet.

Negotiations like this are always messy. But the disagreement between Khamenei and Obama gets to the heart of whether this is a good or a bad deal. Obama says the sanctions on Iran would be relieved over time and could be snapped back. This gives the U.S. and its allies leverage if Iran defies inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency or goes back on its word, as it has on previous arms control agreements. Here’s how the White House fact sheet released the day the framework agreement was announced on April 2 describes that mechanism: "U.S. and E.U. nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended after the IAEA has verified that Iran has taken all of its key nuclear-related steps. If at any time Iran fails to fulfill its commitments, these sanctions will snap back into place."

Previous Post: U.S. And Iran Are Now Openly Fighting On Their Interpretations Of Last Week's Nuclear Deal

WNU Editor: Being one who lived in a Communist dictatorship .... there is one thing that I know about "Supreme Leaders" and their remarks .... it is a given when they say no they actually mean no.


Unknown said...

WNU you lived in a communist dictator ship. Did you merely conform or were you a true believer?

A true believe in NYC who mans the ramparts of a literary salon, might see you as suspect and thus disregard your wisdom.

After all the intellectuals of the salons tell us that communism has never been tried right!

War News Updates Editor said...

Never a believer Aizino .... and I did not conform which always brought grief to some members of my family who were..

James said...

You're right about about the salon revolutionaries, and WNU's father's quip (There are more communists in the West than here) is accurate and profound.
You are also right Aizino, in that a "true believer" would despise WNU. In a true believer's eyes there is no greater sin than apostasy.

James said...

I must clarify one thing, although WNU has openly stated he wasn't a believer, to the true believer that wouldn't matter, WNU would be an apostate.

Unknown said...


It was a rhetorical question.

Alas my writing skills are poor. With my penchant for dangling prepositions, over uses of the word that and many other faults, my writing skills are poor.

I am married to a person from a former communist country myself. They are a very tough minded person. Were they a true believer? They did say they were brainwashed at one point.

Unknown said...

"I must clarify one thing, although WNU has openly stated he wasn't a believer"

I either missed that or forgot that.

Like I said my question was rhetorical.

I pimp WNU's blog a lot. I think people should read frequently matters of politics/war and economics and not just when the big media outlets shine the limelight on it before moving on only to return several months or years later only to be shocked.

War News Updates Editor said...

Your input is always appreciated Aizino.

James said...

You're writing skills are just fine. Actually my intent was to clarify what I was saying, not the subject in general.