Monday, April 6, 2015

Kenya Bombs al-Shabaab Camps In Somalia

New York Times: Kenyan Fighter Jets Bomb Shabab Training Camps in Somalia

NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenyan fighter jets bombed two training camps of the Shabab militant group in Somalia, defense officials said on Monday, the first military response to the attack on a university last week that killed nearly 150 students.

Kenya’s president, Uhuru Kenyatta, had vowed to respond “in the severest way possible” to the massacre at the university.

Military officials said it was difficult to assess the damage because of heavy cloud cover. Kenya has carried out bombing raids in Somalia after terrorist assaults in the past, and the Shabab militants, knowing what was coming, have often abandoned their camps after major attacks.

More News On Kenya Bombing Al-Shabaab Camps In Somalia

Kenya bombs Somalia al-Shabab bases after Garissa attack -- BBC
Kenya says destroys two al Shabaab camps in Somalia -- Reuters
Kenyan warplanes attack suspected militant positions -- AP
Kenyan airstrikes target Shebab after university massacre -- AFP
Kenya, avenging college massacre, bombs al-Shabab camps in Somalia -- Washington Post
Kenyan Jets Bomb Al-Shabaab in Somalia After College Attack -- Bloomberg
Kenyan Airsrikes Target Al-Shabab in Somalia -- VOA
Kenya bombs al-Shabab in Somalia -- UPI
Kenya bombs Al Shabab targets amid outcry over response to Garissa attack -- CSM
Kenya launches air strikes on Al-Shabab -- Al Jazeera
Kenya Launches Airstrikes Against Al-Shabab In Somalia After Garissa University Attack -- IBTimes

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