Monday, April 6, 2015

Myanmar Apologizes To China For Deadly Airstrike

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (3rd R) holds talks with Myanmar Foreign Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin (3rd L) in Beijing, capital of China, April 2, 2015. U Wunna Maung Lwin is paying a visit to China as Myanmar President U Thein Sein's special envoy. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

The Diplomat: Myanmar Apologizes to China for Deadly Strike

Myanmar’s government accepted responsibility for a bomb that killed five Chinese citizens.

On March 13, a bomb fell on a sugarcane field in China’s Yunnan province, just across the border from Myanmar. The explosion killed five Chinese villagers and injured eight others. Beijing immediately blamed the Myanmar Air Force for the bombing and promised China’s own military would take “resolute action” to defend its citizens from harm. Myanmar’s government has been fighting Kokang rebels in the northeast since February 2015.

On April 2, Myanmar’s foreign minister, U Wunna Maung Lwin, officially apologized for the bombing, “On behalf of the Myanmar government and military, I officially apologize to China and express my deep sympathy to the families of the victims and the injured,” he told his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi.

More News On Myanmar Apology To China For Last Month's Deadly Airstrike

Myanmar apologizes to China over warplane bombing -- Want China Times/Xinhua
Myanmar apologizes to China for warplane bombing in Yunnan -- CCTV
China says Myanmar apologizes for bombing, admits responsibility -- Reuters
China says Myanmar apologizes for deadly border bombing, agrees to discuss compensation -- FOX News/AP
Myanmar Admits Warplane Accidentally Killed Chinese Farmers -- VOA
Myanmar Acknowledges Deadly China Bombing With Official Apology -- Bloomberg

1 comment:

Unknown said...

China is the dragon. Vietnam is the little dragon.

What is Burma?

I suppose one apologizes to a dragon.

Burma certainly did the right thing in apologizing form a pragmatic and diplomatic point of view.

So Burma got on the phone right away, but the a formal apology takes a couple of weeks otherwise it would look insincere if it is too quick?

hpw does that work?