Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Sun Never Sets On America’s Special-Operations Forces

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Wall Street Journal: New Way the U.S. Projects Power Around the Globe: Commandos

Over the past year, special-operations forces have landed in 81 countries, mostly to train local troops to fight so Americans don’t have to.

MAO, Chad—“Is this good?” yelled the U.S. Special Forces sergeant. “No!”

He waved a paper target showing the dismal marksmanship of the Chadian commandos he was here to teach. Dozens of bullet holes intended for the silhouette’s vital organs were instead scattered in an array of flesh wounds and outright misses.

The Chadians, with a reputation as fierce desert fighters, were contrite. They dropped to the fine Saharan sand and pounded out 20 push-ups. “Next time, we’re going to shoot all of the bullets here,” one Chadian soldier said, gesturing toward the target’s solar plexus.

Such scenes play out around the world, evidence of how the U.S. has come to rely on elite military units to maintain its global dominance.

These days, the sun never sets on America’s special-operations forces. Over the past year, they have landed in 81 countries, most of them training local commandos to fight so American troops don’t have to. From Honduras to Mongolia, Estonia to Djibouti, U.S. special operators teach local soldiers diplomatic skills to shield their countries against extremist ideologies, as well as combat skills to fight militants who break through.

WNU Editor: The growth and expansion of U.S. Special Forces is summed up in the following paragraph ....

.... The budget for Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., which dispatches elite troops around the world, jumped to $10 billion in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, from $2.2 billion in 2001. Congress has doubled the command to nearly 70,000 people this year, from 33,000 in fiscal 2001. The Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force provide further funding.

And it would not surprise me if this growth continues.


phill said...

Anybody got a clue what where doing in China. Are we on good enough terms to be training the Chinese?

War News Updates Editor said...

Good question Phill. I also raised by eyebrow when I saw the map .... but no mention on what are U.S. Special Forces personnel doing in China.

phill said...

America always trying to help good or bad.

James said...

They're "Going to get a big dish of beef chow mein".