Thursday, April 23, 2015

World News Briefs -- April 23, 2015

Daily Mail: President takes 'full responsibility' as White House reveals two Al Qaeda hostages - including an American professor - were killed during US drone strikes

* American Warren Weinstein was killed during the operation in January
* Italian national Giovanni Lo Porto was also slain by US forces
* Mission targeted Al Qaeda compound on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border
* President Obama has taken 'full responsibility' for the operations
* He admitted that he has 'profound regret' after hearing of the deaths
* In a 2012 video message, Weinstein told Obama his life was 'in his hands'
* He was captured in Lahore in 2011 four days before his seven-year stint as an aid worker was set to end

Two hostages held by Al Qaeda were killed during separate US drone strikes on terrorist compounds, the White House has revealed.

American aid worker Warren Weinstein, 73, and Italian humanitarian worker Giovanni Lo Porto were killed during counter-terrorism operations in a border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan in January.

President Obama has taken 'full responsibility' for the operations, admitting that US forces can sometimes make 'deadly mistakes'.


Fighting and new air strikes mark next phase in Yemen. Yemen's defiant Shiite rebels press their offensive as Saudi Arabia launches airstrikes.

Saudi airstrikes destroy Houthi military targets in Yemen. Saudi-led coalition launches air strikes throughout Yemen: residents.

Despite military drawdown in Yemen, few signs of diplomacy.

'You can find nothing in the city now': Yemen reels after month-long air strikes.

Fleet of Iranian ships heading to Yemen turns around after being tracked by US warships.

Rebels launch new offensive in northwestern Syria.

Diplomatic push for final Iran nuclear deal in Vienna.

Moscow will insist on lifting arms embargo against Iran — Russian diplomat.


Pakistani military claims to have killed 47 Taliban fighters.

Obscure Myanmar ethnic rebel group opens new front on western frontier.

China warns North Korea's nuclear arsenal is expanding, report says.

Farmer's suicide triggers protests in India.

Smoking gun: South Korea uncovers northern rival's hacking codes.

Thai government holds talks with politicians, activists.

Beijing releases wanted list for worldwide fugitive hunt.


Libya's rival government says would confront EU attacks on traffickers.

Nigeria says troops invade last Boko Haram stronghold. Boko Haram regroups en masse in stronghold area: Report.

Nigerian rights group calls for ICC probe of Zulu king.

South African demonstrators condemn attacks on immigrants.

Anti-ISIL rally turns violent in Ethiopia.

Guinea security forces clash with protesters, one dead.

Angolan police say 22 killed in clashes with religious sect.


State Dept. warns of new Russian military buildup on Ukraine border.

Russian defense ministry says U.S. troops in east Ukraine: Interfax.

Kiev preparing strike against eastern Ukraine – DPR leader.

Ukraine troops shelled by pro-Russian rebels near Mariupol.

Chechen leader tells soldiers to fire on unapproved Russian troops in region.

Italy says 200,000 migrants may arrive by sea this year.

EU leaders commit ships, aid for action on Med migrants.

No place for asylum seekers: EU reportedly plans to kick out 29 of every 30 refugees.

Greek PM meets Merkel, urges speeded up reform-for-cash deal.

German President expected to call Armenian killings genocide.

Poland accepts FBI boss' regrets over holocaust comments.

UK cabinet reportedly split over sending Saudis weapons amid Yemen conflict.

France has foiled five terror plots since Charlie Hebdo attack, says French PM. France 'foils five terror attacks' - PM Valls.


Puerto Rico officials warn government shutdown imminent.

Russia, Argentina sign agreement on strategic partnership.

Thousands evacuated as Chile volcano erupts.

Brazil's Petrobras corruption costs hit $2bn.

Secret Service took months to replace alarm system at HW Bush's home, report finds.

Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors.

Petraeus to plead guilty to mishandling classified binders.


White House: Americans held by, working with al-Qaida killed.

How ISIS is luring so many Americans to join its ranks.

Facing threat in Congress, Pentagon races to resettle Guantanamo inmates.


Deutsche Bank in record $2.5bn fine over interest rate manipulation.

As YouTube marks tenth year, Facebook emerges as video threat.

Oil jumps 3 percent, hits 2015 high on Yemen, supply concern.

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