Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another Hamas - Israel War This Summer?

Marc Schulman, Newsweek: Tel Aviv Diary: A Rocket Lands and There Is Talk of Another War

For the past few months, there have been discussions (primarily in jest), that since summer was nearing, we would soon be engaged in another war.

For most of us, this banter seemed like a joke. Suddenly, a short time ago, that “joke” became much more real. This evening our smartphones (and my son’s Apple watch) were going off with notifications of “red alerts.”

Red alert sirens were sounded throughout the south of the country—including a city 30 miles south of Tel Aviv, where there were reports of explosions, indicating a rocket landed somewhere near Ashdod, Israel. It soon became clear that one rocket fired from Gaza City did land near Ashdod. After months of quiet, lasting from the end of last summer’s war, a rocket unexpectedly landed inside Israel, far from the Gaza border.

WNU Editor: The last thing that the residents of Gaza and Israel need right now is another war .... and I personally do not see such a conflict happening ....but with the entire Middle East on edge (and in war) .... anything is possible including another war between Hamas and Israel.

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