Saturday, May 2, 2015

This Is Where The U.S. Intelligence Community Will Flee To In The Event Of A Disaaster

William M. Arkin, Phase Zero: The Secret Mountain Our Spies Will Hide In When Washington Is Destroyed

It’s after midnight. From this mountaintop perch, he can still see the radioactive remains of what used to be Washington, D.C., illuminating the horizon as he exits the helicopter. The nuclear glow serves as stark proof that the intelligence community failed to foresee and prevent the worst, but at least someone was smart enough to build this mountain bunker in rural Virginia for him and his fellow spies to regroup and survive. He opens the reinforced steel door and begins his descent.

This isn’t paranoid conspiracy fiction. This exact scenario was played out this week.

WNU Editor: After Armageddon will there be a need for an intelligence operation? I think not .... for the simple reason that everyone's priority will be elsewhere .... like surviving.


Bob Huntley said...

In an interview a military man was asked the question 'in major conflagrations one weapon stands out as the key deciding factor to success. In WW II it was air power. What do you think the key weapon will be if there were a WW III?'

His answer 'I don't know, can't even guess. But I think I can tell you with a good degree of certainty that following WW III, WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones.'

Unknown said...

How many intel officers are going to think about bugging out with their families to someplace other than Spy Mountain?