Friday, May 22, 2015

U.S. General Dempsey: Iraqi Forces Not Driven From Ramadi, They Drove Out of Ramadi and Stripes: Dempsey Says Iraqis Weren't Driven Out of Ramadi, They Drove

America’s top military officer says Iraqi government forces weren’t driven out of Ramadi. They drove.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters Wednesday on a trip to Brussels that Iraqi security forces commanders made a tactical decision to withdraw from Ramadi last weekend as Islamic State fighters broke through defenses and swarmed through the city, capital of Anbar province.

A sandstorm was reported in the area at the time of the Islamic State assault, but Central Command spokesman Col. Patrick Ryder described it as “minor dust and haze” which had “zero impact,” on coalition air operations.

Update: Dempsey: Iraqi Forces Not Driven From Ramadi, They Drove Out of Ramadi -- US Department of Defense

WNU Editor: WTF !?!?!?!?!


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Remember when we made fun of Baghdad Bob?

Apparently it's now a valuable position in our MSM.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay .... when I read the post I thought it was a joke. The U.S. Department of Defense post confirmed to me that it was actually real. The more I blog the more that I am becoming exposed to this (fill in the blank).

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

A "real" journalist would have asked Dempsey exactly what the Iraqi Army "drove" out of Ramadi in,

Cause it sure wasn't their tanks, apcs and humvee's.

Col. Pat Land and Moon of Alabama are all over the heavily redacted DIA Reports.

jj said...

Barry said we're not losing this war