Monday, June 15, 2015

Former President George Bush: More U.S. Boots On The Ground Necessary To Defeat The Islamic State

President Bush is seen here in 2008 with Democrat candidate Barack Obama. The Telegraph

Israel Hayom: 'My position was: you need to have boots on the ground'

Former U.S. President George W. Bush tells Israel Hayom in an exclusive interview, "My strategy, the Bush doctrine, was to vigorously pursue those who do us harm and bring them to justice" • "America has been very supportive of Israel," he remarks.

"There is only one thing that I really miss about being president, and that's being the commander-in-chief. I admire our military a lot," former U.S. President George W. Bush tells Israel Hayom, his eyes twinkling. "When you are the commander-in-chief, at a time when I was, when you put them into a lot of combat situations, you develop a special bond, not only with the military but with their families."

"I would salute men and women in uniform on a daily basis," he says.

Update #1: Bush: You need 'boots on the ground' -- The Hill
Update #2: You'll never guess how George W Bush says he'd deal with Isis -- i100 The Independent

WNU Editor: The sentiment in the U.S. is changing .... Gallup poll: Americans now less likely to think the war in Iraq was a ‘mistake’ (Washington Times) .... but more US boots on the ground .... I doubt that most Americans will be in favor of that.

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