Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pentagon Using Social Media To Influence World Opinion Against Russia

Philip Ewing, Politico: Pentagon’s YouTube war with Russia

After Russian jet buzzes U.S. warship, Defense Department posts video to sway public opinion.

The West’s simmering standoff with Russia has prompted the Pentagon to reach for a new weapon: YouTube.

Defense officials have concluded it’s no longer enough to lodge formal complaints when Russian bombers probe U.S. air defenses off Alaska, fighters barrel-roll around American reconnaissance aircraft over Eastern Europe, or attack jets buzz American warships at sea — especially since Russia’s state-funded media commonly claims the moves are justified.

So in recent weeks the U.S. military, which tends to be judicious about releasing video of military operations in the air or at sea, has taken to social media in an effort to shape international public opinion.

WNU Editor: The Pentagon's YouTube channel may be getting the hits .... but one has to wonder if it is really changing global opinion against Russia.


LoneWolf Media said...

As a Canadian myself a lot of my friends in Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa all have high respect for Russia. They see a strong handed leader who looks out for Russian interests regardless of cost. They see Putin as playing chess masterfully while everyone else plays checkers and fiddles with their thumbs attempting to create some form of a strategy (Even though in most cases us foreign affairs, watchers just go WTF?).They also know that our allies down south tend to.. How to politely say it - be the cause rather then the victim.

Unknown said...




"Operation INFEKTION was a KGB disinformation campaign to spread information that the United States invented HIV/AIDS[2] as part of a biological weapons research project at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Soviet Union used it to undermine the United States’ credibility, foster anti-Americanism, isolate America abroad, and create tensions between host countries and the U.S. over the presence of American military bases (which were often portrayed as the cause of AIDS outbreaks in local populations)."

There may have been a lull in the fighting

Unknown said...

"In 1992, Russian Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov admitted that the KGB was behind the Soviet newspaper articles claiming that AIDS was created by the US government."

Bob Huntley said...

Does anyone believe anything the US says anymore? Same goes for Russia and China. The US has cried wolf too many times to be credible and I doubt there is any way to shock the world anymore with such claims. People believe what they want to believe.

I watched Walter Cronkite answer a question from one of the kids, about 10 years old) in a classroom.

The kid asked 'why is the news always bad.'

Cronkite answered, 'We report on the exception, the cat that was stuck up a tree. You should hope that things will never get so bad that the news people start reporting on the one cat that didn't get stuck up a tree.'

Seems that were are almost there now.

Unknown said...

Remember kiddies only the USA lies. The Russians and Chinese will always tell you the honest to God truth.

Caecus said...

"As a Canadian myself a lot of my friends in Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa all have high respect for Russia. They see a strong handed leader who looks out for Russian interests regardless of cost. They also know that our allies down south tend to.. How to politely say it - be the cause rather then the victim."

That strange point in history when liberals living in democratic societies come to hate themselves and admire their authoritarian antagonists.

LoneWolf Media said...

Caecus - what does political affiliation have to do with respecting another political leader?

Everyone knows NATO is directly aimed at Russia. Putin is just addressing that threat via every viable means. U.S funnels 6 billion dollars into Ukraine to fuel a revolution. Russia counters with creating a narrative of Russian Ukrainians under threat. Every move that Russia commits is a tit for tat move. U.S arrests Russian arms dealer Victor B. Russia accepts Snowden. Russia under Putin is incredible on the foreign scene it's literally as if he is playing chess and trying to anticipate his opponents next move. Keep in mind - Russia has never really ventured too far out of its sphere of influence. Remember when Russia tried to join NATO? Do you know how many conflicts could have possible been prevented? I respect Russia as a country and I respect Putin as a political leader not because of his authoritarian ways but because of his political handlings on the foreign scene.

Alex said...

Well said.

Alex said...

Well said.

Caecus said...

"Caecus - what does political affiliation have to do with respecting another political leader?"

Nothing wrong with respecting Russia & Putin, i'm just confused by liberals who admire a nationalist leader in Russia, but detest and vilify those in Europe/West.