Monday, June 15, 2015

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Global Nuclear Stockpiles Decreasing

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Deutsche Welle: Nuclear states continue to upgrade arsenals while reducing stockpiles

World stockpiles of nuclear warheads have dipped to 15,850 due to cuts by the US and Russia. However, nuclear superpowers have continued to modernize their arsenals.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported that a downward trend in stockpiles of nuclear weapons should not be misinterpreted. The number of nuclear warheads around the globe fell by 500 compared to 2014.

But the institute also pointed that "extensive and expensive long-term modernization programs" between the world's two largest nuclear powers - Russia and the United States - accounted for 90 percent of all nuclear weapons. This is a trend that the institute has been observing for several years.

More News On SIPRI's Latest Report On Global Nuclear Stockpiles

Nuclear weapons states upgrade warheads despite disarmament -- AFP
Nuclear Weapons-Possessing Countries Developing New Warheads Despite Disarmament Trend: Report -- IBTimes
Nuclear states continue to upgrade arsenals, think tank says -- i24 News
Nuclear states still upgrading stocks -- SKY News
Nuclear states upgrading warheads despite disarmament — report -- Times of Israel/AFP
China builds nuclear arsenal as other countries disarm -- Newsweek
Pakistan, India upgrade warheads despite disarmament trend: report -- Express Tribune/AFP
SIPRI: Fresh concerns, despite global decline in nuclear weapons -- Deutsche Welle

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