Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Pentagon Wants To Defend Its Soldiers From Drone Attacks

Screenshot from the Office of Naval Research YouTube video.

Baltimore Sun: U.S. military seeking ways to knock drones from the sky

* When anyone can fly a drone, how do you stop them from harming American troops?
* Drones are “game-changing” for war, and the Pentagon wants to know how to shoot them down
* Lasers, electronic weapons and even nets — the race is on to find drone-killing technology.

For years the United States has enjoyed almost exclusive use of armed drones, using them to strike enemies remotely and with impunity.

But with adversaries — including ISIS — catching up on the technology, the Pentagon is now playing defense, trying to come up with ways to knock the pilotless aircraft out of the sky.

Much of the U.S. military's research into fighting drones is secret. But contracting and budget documents show that officials are exploring a range of approaches, from the tried and true — machine guns — to cutting-edge technology that includes electronic jamming and laser cannons.

Maryland, with its complex of military installations, defense contractors and research universities, is in the thick of the fight.

Update: US military seeking ways to defend against small, portable drones -- Tweak Town

WNU Editor: The Pentagon is also looking at developing technologies to deploy and manage smaller drones to overwhelm and defeat the enemy .... Drone swarms join the Navy (FOX News).

1 comment:

James said...

Their biggest weakness is electonics. There, will the counter measures bear the most fruit and it will be the controllers they will go after.