Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Are Some Of The The Casino's In Macau CIA Fronts?

Casinos in Macau. Wikipedia

The Guardian: China feared CIA worked with Sheldon Adelson's Macau casinos to snare officials

Report commissioned by Adelson’s company, uncovered from among documents filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit, shows Beijing was concerned officials were gambling with public money, leaving them vulnerable to blackmail

China feared that casinos in Macau owned by the billionaire gambling magnate and Republican party funder Sheldon Adelson were used by US intelligence agents to entrap and blackmail Chinese officials, according to a “highly confidential” report for the gambling industry.

The report, by a private investigator in 2010, said that Beijing believed US-owned establishments in the former Portuguese colony were working in league with the CIA.

“Many of the (Chinese) officials we contacted were of the view that US intelligence agencies are very active in Macao and that they have penetrated and utilised the US casinos to support their operations,” it said.

WNU Editor: Macau has certainly changed over the years. I first visited the place in the mid-1980s, and it became a favorite place of mine to visit for R&R when I was stationed in China. Did a return trip there 3 years ago .... and wow .... could not recognize the place. As to these casinos being used by the CIA to blackmail Chinese officials .... it would not surprise me .... before the anti-corruption drive started in China over a year ago Macau was a favorite place for China's political elite to go and party. On a side note .... Macau is also where China's elite and wealthy keep their money and/or the place to transfer there money to other international banks and institutions. I was first exposed to this when a top Chinese official took me to a dinner in one of Macau's more expensive restaurants in the late 1980s. When it came to pay he pulled out his "black" Bank of China/Macau Mastercard where he then told me that he had a limit of $500,000 US. .... yup .... $500,000 U.S. limit .... and that was in the late 1980s before the Chinese economic boom started. Today .... I have been told that there are some cards out there with $10,000,000 (already paid) credit lines .... and possibly higher. Who cares about a Platinum American Express Card .... the real thing to have is a Black Bank of Macau/China Mastercard.


James said...

Oh, the chinese do love their gambling.

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