Thursday, July 16, 2015

CIA Report: Iran Will Focus On Its Economy, Not Terrorism

A general view of the Arak heavy-water project, 190 km (120 miles) southwest of Tehran in a January 15, 2011 file photo. Reuters/ISNA/Hamid Forootan/files

L.A. Times: CIA: Iran will focus on its economy, not terrorism, with sanctions money

A secret U.S. intelligence assessment predicts that Iran’s government will pump most of an expected $100-billion windfall from the lifting of international sanctions into the country's flagging economy and won't significantly boost funding for terrorist groups and sectarian militias it supports in the Middle East.

Intelligence officials have concluded that even if Tehran increases support for Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon, Houthi rebels in Yemen or President Bashar Assad’s embattled government in Syria, the extra cash is unlikely to tip the balance of power in the world’s most volatile region, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence document.

The controversial CIA report, which has been briefed to key members of Congress, thus provides ammunition to both sides in the battle brewing on Capitol Hill over President Obama’s signature foreign policy achievement, a sweeping deal to block Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons for at least a decade in exchange for the easing of sanctions that have hobbled the country's economy.

WNU Editor: One ex-CIA Director disagrees .... Former CIA Director Woolsey Says Iran Deal is ‘Worse Than Worthless’ (Algemeiner). What's my take .... Iran will use this money to modernize its oil industry, support their allies in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen as well as Hezbollah, and purchase weapons to modernize its military.

1 comment:

D.Plowman said...

Ha! HahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahahaHahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahahaha.... O I needed that. Cheers, CIA!