Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How The White House Crafts The Media Message On Foreign News Stories

President Obama in his final appearance on "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart last week in New York. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Politico: Jon Stewart’s secret White House visits

Obama, aides took unusual steps to cultivate ‘Daily Show’ comic.

Jon Stewart slipped unnoticed into the White House in the midst of the October 2011 budget fight, summoned to an Oval Office coffee with President Barack Obama that he jokingly told his escort felt like being called into the principal’s office.

In February 2014, Obama again requested Stewart make the trip from Manhattan to the White House, this time for a midmorning visit hours before the president would go before television cameras to warn Russia that “there will be costs” if it made any further military intervention in Ukraine.

To engage privately with the president in his inner sanctum at two sensitive moments — previously unreported meetings that are listed in the White House visitor logs and confirmed to POLITICO by three former Obama aides — speaks volumes about Stewart and his reach, which goes well beyond the million or so viewers who tune in to “The Daily Show” on most weeknights.

Update #1: Jon Stewart Secretly Met With Obama at White House -- New York Times
Update #2: Did White House influence 'Daily Show' coverage? -- CSM

WNU Editor:  To be called into the White House on the eve of a major foreign news announcement speaks volume on how important people like Jon Stewart are to President Obama .... and we should not be surprised. Shows like the "Daily Show" are the primary source of news and information for those younger than me. And while the Daily Show is not a news show .... perception is everything in this business, and the perception is that the Daily Show is a source for news. Unfortunately for Jon Stewart .... this revelation is going to put a small cloud on his legacy. One has to wonder how much of his program was crafted to elevate President Obama .... while slamming his critics. The sad part of this story is that it was/is all unnecessary .... he should have been open about his visits. Jon Stewart is as liberal as you can get .... and his audience reflects that .... it would not have hurt him if he had admitted that yes .... he did have access to the White House ... and that yes .... he is an avid supporter of President Obama. But for reasons of his own .... he choose not to be open about it.


Anonymous said...

I agree.

I'm a fan of Jon Stewart - I think his show is hilarious, and (for the most part) I agree with his views.

One of the things I enjoy most about Jon Stewart is that as much as he is a liberal, he seems to be relatively bias-free (that or he hides it so well that I can't notice). Compare that to FOX news, where the Conservative agenda is so visible, and the facts are so skewed that I can't stand it.

These secret visits to the White House, however, bother me. Stewart has had Obama on his show several times, and for the most part he seems to ask straightforward, neutral questions. But were they rehearsed? Staged? Is there something deeper going on?

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Since Truman, every White House and Administration has "cultivated" the MSM, and the MSM has far too often responded to that "cultivation" with sycophantic treason, (Judith Miller, the NYT, Wapo, Luce and his Time/Life),

Concealing facts, stories, engaging in stenography.

Unlike the Bush Administration, ( other than early "flings" with Drudge and Politico, many which backfired), the Obama Administration has recognized that the MSM ain't the MSM anymore, with "pop" media like the Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and bloggers and podcasts being seen as far more "trustworthy" than the NYT.

Not sure how the next Admin's are going to deal with the rise and popularity of RT, Spudnik, Al Jazeera, The Angry Arab, Colonel Cassad, Fort Russ, Moon of Alabama, Vice News,....

Jay Farquharson said...

War News Updates,

Got room on your lawn for a POTUS helicopter landing?