Friday, July 3, 2015

Inside The Islamic State's Special Forces That Are Composed Of Foreign Fighters

New ISIS recruits are seen in a classroom for their "graduation" ceremony after having completed the Islamic State special forces training program, March 27, 2015. Media Office Wilayat Khayr

IBTimes: Inside 'The Caliphate Army': ISIS's Special Forces Military Unit Of Foreign Fighters

In the year since it declared its self-styled caliphate, the Islamic State group has marketed itself as a government, a judicial institution and a religious authority, but at its core it is an army with the capability of seizing and maintaining territory. Unlike many of its other functions, very little is known about ISIS’s military structure, and the secrecy speaks to its importance. The army has allowed the militant group to quickly recruit a new generation of fighters and amass territory, and to expand from one to at least 10 countries in the past year.

WNU Editor: I recall reading the warnings and concerns of intelligence officials before 9/11 on the Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan .... and the thousands of recruits that they were training. But what Al Qaeda was doing in Afghanistan pales in comparison to what is happening now .... doubly so since there is no strategy or will from Washington or the West to confront this incredibly dangerous development. Like of these fighters are from the West .... and they are going to come back home one day.


Unknown said...

Some people have estimated that they trained 20,000 jihadis in Afghanistan prior to 911

"According to the Commission on Terrorist Attacks, as many as 20,000 individuals trained at Bin-Ladin supported camps throughout Afghanistan from May 1996 to September 11, 2001. However, out of this large number, only a select few went on to receive specialized terrorist training."

Now the NYT is going to pour cold water on the threat.

Not everyone trained was trained to be a suicide bomber or terrorist to hit a western target. But the rank and file trained to provide combat muscle for the Taliban are a pool of recruits for further training. I do not think the bought and paid for presstitutes at the NYT 's understand this.

The terrorists organization is no different than any other military. Who is a E3 today could be an E6, E7, or O3 in several years.

People didn't care then and they don't care too much now. It is still all astro-turf in the U.S. No time for for more important issues.

James said...

Somewhere in western Iraq another swearing in ceremony.