Thursday, July 23, 2015

Middle East Countries Rush To Build Border Fences

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Bloomberg: Fences Rise Across Middle East as Jihadi Threat Rattles Leaders

As they confront the rising threat of modern jihadist violence, many of the nations most at risk are retreating behind one of the oldest forms of defense.

Tunisia became the latest to invest in a border barrier after dozens of foreign tourists were killed in two attacks by Islamist militants trained in neighboring Libya and armed by smugglers. The fence and watch towers ordered by Prime Minister Habib Essid will for now stretch 100 miles inland from the coast along the most vulnerable stretch of the shared frontier.

From Morocco to Saudi Arabia, boundaries are being fortified at a rate not seen since the months following the Sept. 11 attacks.

WNU Editor: When Israel first started to build fences and walls on their borders to keep out Palestinian suicide bombers .... everyone said .... including many of these same Middle Eastern countries .... that it will not work. Well .... it did work, and not surprising many of these countries are now doing what Israel did 15 years ago. As for the U.S. .... well .... the debate continues .... Migrants trying to jump border fence are breaking their bones (Arizona Daily Star).


Unknown said...

Fences do not work.

Ask the dishonorable and worthless Janet Napolitano.

But she lied and did the dirty work so they gave her the prize of chancellor of a university.

Unknown said...

I don't understand the one between Oman and UAE. They are both peaceful countries. I crossed that border a few times in one say. It is all mountain and sparsely populated.


B.Poser said...

Very interesting. Perhaps these people will rethink their criticism of Israel regarding the building of fences. There are many of us in the US who have suggested the building of border fences to separate us from our hostile neighbor to the south of us. Those of us who do so have been called all sorts of vile names including but not limited to "racists." Now we have an example to point to!!

As for the stories of people breaking their bones trying to enter illegally into America, these are invaders and should be treated as such and deserve no sympathy. Maybe this will encourage someone to think twice before invading us.