Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 1, 2015


Defense News: Pentagon Releases New National Military Strategy

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has released a new National Military Strategy, the first update to that document since 2011 — one that warns the threat of major war with another nation is "growing."

The strategy is being updated to reflect the new global security situation, one in which the US is facing near-peer adversaries like Russia and China while simultaneously having to handle diffuse militant groups like the Islamic State.

"Since the last National Military Strategy was published in 2011, global disorder has significantly increased while some of our comparative military advantage has begun to erode," Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey wrote in his introduction to the strategy document.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 1, 2015

Dempsey Releases National Military Strategy -- US Department of Defense

Chance of war with world power ‘low but growing,’ Defense Dept. says -- Washington Times

New Pentagon Strategy Eyes Russia, Long Fights Against Jihadists -- Foreign Policy

US fight against ISIS nears $3 billion -- The Hill

Russia to conduct several Bulava launches by end of 2015 -- ITAR-TASS

Russia To Launch Bulava Ballistic Missiles In Military Exercises By End Of 2015 -- IBTimes

Will Russia Really Build 24 Hypersonic Nuclear Missiles by 2020? -- Zachary Keck, National Interest

Russia to Show Off Design of Mistral Replacement at Maritime Defense Show -- Sputnik

Russian Navy to get 18 new class corvettes — commander -- ITAR-TASS

Portfolio of export orders for Russian defense industry stands at $49 billion — deputy PM -- ITAR-TASS

British Army tanks to be fitted with 'telescope cannons' after MoD signs £150m contract -- IBTimes

Where Is the UK Government's Nuclear Weapons Policy Heading? -- Varinder Singh Bola, Huffington Post

India to Develop New Tank, Use Russian Armata as Prototype -- Sputnik

Afghan army general accused of drug trafficking -- Business Insider

Afghan President Boosts Army, Police Pay as Taliban Offensive Rages -- and Stripes

PLA's Type 055 destroyer to be bigger than US Arleigh Burke-class -- Want China Times

China building military bases on reclaimed reefs’ -- The Philippine Star

Asia Beware: China Unveils New Island Storming Warships -- National Interest

Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises this Year -- The Diplomat

Bunker-busting bomb on standby as Iran nuclear talks near end -- CNN

Bunker-Buster Bomb No Sure Way to Stop Iran If Talks Fail -- Anthony Capaccio, Bloomberg

Pentagon Defends F-35 After Report Says it Can’t Dogfight -- DoD Buzz

Stennis, SPAWAR Prepare for First Carrier Deployment with Next Generation CANES Network -- USNI News

Aegis Ambivalence: Navy, Hill Grapple Over Missile Defense Mission -- Breaking Defense

The F/A-18 Super Hornet — a better fighter jet -- Michael Byers, National Post

EA-6B Prowler Makes Its Final Flight for Navy -- and Stripes

US Military's Hypersonic Jet Could Fly 5 Times the Speed of Sound -- Yahoo News/Live Science

These Firearms Manufacturers Represent The Top Competition For The US Army’s New Handgun -- Task & Purpose

New Technology to Lighten Marines’ Loads -- US Department of Defense

A New Camouflage Pattern Now in Fashion for the U.S. Army -- NYT

Army Expects Few Women to Choose Combat Arms if Positions are Opened --

Meet Lt. Gen. Robert Neller, nominee to be the next Marine Corps commandant -- Washington Post

An Overlooked Hero of Navy SEALs' Operation Red Wings -- ABC News

TRADOC Leader: Uncertain Future Biggest Threat to Army -- Yasmin Tadjdeh, National Defense

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