Wednesday, July 15, 2015

President Obama SEETHES At Reporter For Mentioning Abandoned Americans In Iran During Today's Press Conference

WNU Editor: Hmmm .... it is very easy to get under the skin of this U.S. President. A complete video of today's press conference has not been made available yet .... but I watched all of it live on the White House's YouTube channel .... and to put it bluntly .... the President was defensive, angry, and insulting to the reporters today. Now .... I am not a fan of the main stream media .... and White House correspondents are not really admired by the public .... but even I was surprised by how combative they were in today's press conference.Will this new "combative approach" from the media last .... probably not .... but looking at how the President was responding today .... he clearly was taken off guard.


Unknown said...

Obama was a senator 2 years into his term as senator. There is not much to him except Marxist doctrine.

Having achieved a high office it immediately made this Democrat poster boy 'respectable' and thus available to run.

Would anyone have ran state senator Obama for president based on his record of bills he proposed and got passed in the state senate and what his espoused policies were?

Obama as a U.S. senator was no more qualified to run than Senator Al Franken.

Unknown said...

The last year or two has removed all doubt as to who the worst president to this date has been.

It was a tie between Jimmy and Obama, but Obama has clearly won.

phill said...

I can't wait to put this legacy behind us. It's history that's going to be staring at us for a long, long time.

Ropestuff said...

Not seeing the problem there. He was asked a loaded question. Of course he isn't content there are Americans held in Iran. His point about tying their release to the nuclear deal is valid. I thought he handled that smoothly, for someone who was asked an obviously loaded question.

Unknown said...

"He was asked a loaded question."

Yes, he was. That a pool reporter would take the gloves off and had the temerity to ask it, shows how upset they are of his leadership or lack thereof.

"Of course he isn't content there are Americans held in Iran."

Obama has not spent a lot of time getting back the Americans in Iran and did nothing of consequence of that marine who was held in mexico. He did give the kitchen sink for Bergdahl, a traitor. He might not be content about it, but he has not shown that he gives a flying _|_|_|_. when he cares we here about in condescending, accusative or chiding tones.

"His point about tying their release to the nuclear deal is valid."

You can argue that both ways. If a country will let you abuse there citizens anytime anywhere, how much spine can they have? When Obama says bring up the american hostages would give Iran leverage. I would argue not bringing it up gives them leverage also. It can cut both ways. It would have been better if the Iranian negotiators had thought we were crazy, powerful and on a hair trigger.

Unknown said...

"I can't wait to put this legacy behind us. It's history that's going to be staring at us for a long, long time."

I agree.

Ropestuff said...

Points taken. There are many sides here.