Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Pentagon Chiefs Get Grilled By The U.S. Senate On U.S. War Strategy Against The Islamic State

Stars and Stripes: Pentagon urges patience from Senate on war strategy

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday asked the Senate for more patience and support for a train-and-equip program against the Islamic State, despite much lower than expected turnout.

Only 60 moderate Syrian fighters have been trained this year, but recent gains in the country by U.S.-backed militias show the strategy can work, Carter told skeptical senators on the Armed Services Committee. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., committee chairman, called claims about success delusional.

Carter and Joint Chiefs Gen. Martin Dempsey came to Capitol Hill to make the administration case for the current war strategy a day after President Barack Obama underscored the importance of training ground forces and allied militias on a rare trip to the Pentagon. The administration had a strategy meeting on the often uneven, year-old Islamic State offensive.

WNU Editor: Their Syrian policy is certainly not working .... The Pentagon Wants To Train 15,000 Syrian Fighters. So Far It’s Got 60 (Defense One).

More News On Today's U.S. Senate Testimony On U.S. War Strategy Against The Islamic State

US military chiefs face tough questioning from senators -- Washington Times
Top Pentagon Officials Defend Islamic State Strategy Before Lawmakers -- NPR
Senators Quiz Military Chiefs, Criticize US Fight Against IS -- AP
With no change in ISIS strategy, lawmakers vent frustration -- Washington Examiner
McCain, Ashton Carter Clash Over ISIS Strategy -- Real Clear Politics
Senators: Iraq strategy is 'delusional' -- Military Times
Ash Carter: One-third of sorties drop bombs in dynamic strikes against Islamic State -- Washington Times
Fight against ISIL needs more trainees, Carter says -- USA Today
Dempsey: Risk Will be Part of Any Strategy Against ISIL -- US Department of Defense
U.S. only training 60 Syrian fighters so far, Ash Carter tells Congress -- CBS
U.S. only training 60 Syrian fighters, far below expectations -- Reuters
Pentagon training only 60 Syrian rebels against ISIS -- The Hill

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