Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The U.S. Navy Wants A Navy Of Robots

The Navy's new "yellow submarine" is one robot already under development. Source: U.S. Navy.

Motley Fool: Who Wants a Robot Navy? The Pentagon Does!

A little-noticed contract gives a big clue to where the Pentagon is heading.

For years, we've been talking about the U.S. Navy's infatuation with robots -- everything from robotic helicopters to robotic fighter jets that can land on an aircraft carrier -- unaided. From swarming, remote-controlled small patrol boats sailing the seas to tiny submarines that look like fish.

Granted, many of the Navy's experiments in the realm of robotic seafaring so far have been limited in scope, and small in dollar value. But no more. This week, the Navy jumped into the robo-cean feet first.

WNU Editor: They are now spending the money .... which tells me that they are serious.

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