Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Top Iranian General Accused Of Killing Hundreds Of Americans Will Benefit From Yesterday's Iranian Nuclear Deal

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Qassem Soleimani stands at the frontline during offensive operations against Islamic State militants in the town of Tal Ksaiba in Salahuddin province March 8, 2015. Reuters

Shane Harris, Daily Beast: Nuke Deal Helps Qasem Soleimani, The Top Iranian General With ‘American Blood on His Hands’

John Kerry denied it. So did Iran’s foreign minister. But the world’s most notorious spymaster stands to benefit—big time—from the accord with Tehran.

Among the big winners in the agreement to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, count a notorious and shadowy Iranian general who helped Shiite militias in Iraq kill American soldiers and who has come to the rescue of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

You’ll find his name, Qasem Soleimani, buried in an annex (PDF) of the unremittingly dense Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, along with some of his colleagues from the senior ranks of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as its various divisions and corporate fronts. They’ll all be granted some sanctions relief as part of the U.S.-brokered deal to curtail Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon.

Update #1: Iranian General Accused of Helping to Kill Americans to Receive Sanctions Relief in Nuclear Accord -- ABC News
Update #2: When Sanctions Lift, Iranian Commander Will Benefit -- WSJ

WNU Editor: Why does this not surprise me .... and why John Kerry's denials do not impress me. I expect more surprises on what was exactly agreed upon to come out in the next day or two.


Unknown said...

This is a disgrace at every level.They wouldn't include the 4 Americans in the deal because it was about a nuclear deal.But the Iranians got too? The Islama Administration is the biggest joke in the entire World!!

James said...

Qassem doesn't look too good in this photo. I wonder if he's sick or it's just stress showing.

phill said...


Could be the picture angle but the right side of his face seems a little saggy.

Probably got a small heat stroke from celebrating the nuclear deal out on the playground.

phill said...


Could be the picture angle but the right side of his face seems a little saggy.

Probably got a small heat stroke from celebrating the nuclear deal out on the playground.

Unknown said...

John Eff Kerry, who once served in Vietnam only has daughters.

If he had had sons and perchance they had joined the military they would have joined the JAG Corps or something suitably safe say that they would have military cred in advance of a run for political office. Any hypothetical son of a Democrat (SOD) politician would would not be front line job where they would be on foot patrols, live in small camps or patrol MSRs and ASRs. IT would be in a very large camp or stateside.

IMO John Eff Kerry does not give a flying ____ that soldiers died do to Iranian manufactured IEDs. What if without Iranian involvement our casualties would have been 1/2?

phill said...


I remember the media giving John McCain a really hard time for a certain fraise he said when he was campaigning.

I know why he said it and respect him for it. Actions have consequences and we don't forget.

But some donkeys are completely oblivious to this $hit.

Unknown said...


WNU is not the only one still learning English. I may have read this word in connection with the Revolutionary War specifically the Battle of Yorktown. It seems I forgot and I definitely never knew the the extended meaning of the word.

It is the media's job to be biased. Reading or listening to the media is no different than reading a wikipedia article. You have to consider if the topic is controversial and what the slant might be.

phill said...


Bom bom bom,bom bom iran.