Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trump vs. McCain

Photo of John McCain being captured in Trúc Bạch Lake in Hanoi in 1967. Wikipedia

The Guardian: Trump's McCain insult shows ignorance of anti-air hell faced by pilots in Vietnam

Aviators showed extreme courage in face of Soviet-supplied North Vietnamese defenses that created ‘most sophisticated and intense anti-air environment ever’

The contretemps over Donald Trump’s dismissal of Senator John McCain’s military heroism has overlooked the circumstances that make it resonate throughout the military: not just McCain’s ability to endure torture, but the tremendously dangerous bombing mission that led him into five and a half years of North Vietnamese captivity.
John McCain: Trump's 'offensive' comment merits apology to military families
Read more

Over the years, much attention has been focused on McCain’s torture at the infamous “Hanoi Hilton”. It has tended to obscure the bombing run that led McCain to maneuver his navy jet through intimidating air defenses – a circumstance that every pilot in a cockpit fears.

WNU Editor: It appears that some veterans are not bothered by Donald Trump's comments on Sen. McCain's capture and imprisonment .... McCain Who? Vets Heart Trump (Patricia Murphy, Daily Beast). As to what do I think .... Sen. McCain is a hero, and Mr. Trump's comments were not tactful .... but Donald Trump did speak his mind, and it should also be noted that Sen. McCain has a history of saying outrageous stuff. But this is summer and we are entering the silly season .... so expect more of this silliness in the weeks ahead to distract us from the more important stories like .... the Ukraine war, the rise of the Islamic State, Iranian nukes, Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, the Greek debt crisis, the implosion of the Chinese economy, recession, a White House hell-bent on ignoring Congress and the Constitution, soaring crime rates, etc. etc. etc..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

McCain did some stand up things as a POW. He also did some hotdogging and other things that should have ended his career.

McCain is also a condescending ____ or he is oblivious. If he thinks saying "my friend"s a few times is going to make people docile, while he does amnesty in 2007 and the other things, he is sadly mistaken.