Wednesday, July 15, 2015

With The End Of Sanctions Iran Prepares To Dramatically Assist Its Mideast Allies Who Are Embroiled In War

Wall Street Journal: With More Cash, Iran Poised to Help Mideast Friends

As funds set to flow, Tehran and Washington find themselves fighting common regional enemy.

Iran is widely expected to use some of the billions of dollars freed up by sanctions relief under the newly minted nuclear deal to aid regional partners hostile to Washington and its allies.

But with the threat of extremist group Islamic State redrawing old battle lines in the Middle East, the Iranian and U.S. camps sometimes find themselves fighting a common enemy. Iran hopes to leverage better relations to secure closer cooperation against common threats.

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, who played a central role in negotiating the nuclear deal agreed on Tuesday, claimed in a recent address that his country was at the forefront of the fight against extremism.

“I hope my counterparts will also turn their focus and devote their resources to this existential battle,” he said.

WNU Editor: As I had mentioned in a commentary yesterday .... the lifting of sanctions will mean tens of billions of dollars for Iran, and in turn it will mean more monies and weapons to fund and support the wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen while supporting Shiite groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon. One of the consequences of yesterday's agreement is that any talk of peace and/or starting a peace process is not on the table right now .... what everyone is now focused on is more war.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

" One of the consequences of yesterday's agreement is that any talk of peace and/or starting a peace process is not on the table right now "

In other words if I read this correctly. Since Iran will buy more weapons to support its' allies the other Middle East countries will do the same and so we still have an arms race.

Wonderful. Obama is genius of the Wiley E. Coyote type.