Saturday, August 8, 2015

Iran Defends Activity At Its Parchin Military Site. Continues To Bar Nuclear Inspectors

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
A satellite image released by U.S.-based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) shows the status of the site at the Parchin military complex that has been linked to high-explosive work related to the development of nuclear weapons in Iran.

Reuters: Iran rejects accusations about military site as 'lies'

Iran's foreign minister said on Saturday that accusations about activity at its Parchin military site were "lies" spread by opponents of its landmark nuclear deal with world powers clinched last month.

A prominent U.S. think-tank on Friday questioned Tehran's explanation for activity at its Parchin military site visible in satellite imagery, saying the movement of vehicles did not appear related to road work.

"We said that the activities in Parchin are related to road construction," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted on Saturday as saying by the IRNA state news agency.

"They (opponents of the deal) have spread these lies before. Their goal is to damage the agreement," he added.

Update: Why Is Parchin Central To Iran Nuclear Crisis? -- Radio Free Europe

WNU Editor: As long as Iran bars UN inspectors from suspected nuclear sites and makes public remarks like this one .... Iran: ‘Bragging’ Obama is ‘Under An Illusion’ About Nuke Deal (Washington Free Beacon) .... the possibility that this nuclear agreement will eventually collapse will only increase.

1 comment:

opit said...

And what 'prominent U.S. think tank' has decided that activity at sites not covered by disclosure agreements is a matter of concern ? It is far too close to a phrase leading systematic attacks on any nation with nuclear technology regardless of any actual merit of the case....'the U.S. suspects' as per The NPT TRAP