Friday, August 14, 2015

Should Hillary Clinton's Security Clearance Be Revoked?

Washington Times: Intelligence community wants Clinton’s security clearance suspended

Security experts say that if Hillary Rodham Clinton retained her government security clearance when she left the State Department, as is normal practice, it should be suspended now that it is known her unprotected private email server contained top secret material.

“Standard procedure is that when there is evidence of a security breach, the clearance of the individual is suspended in many, but not all, cases,” said retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who was deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence in the George W. Bush administration. “This rises to the level of requiring a suspension.”

Update: Report: Top secret Clinton emails covered drones -- The Hill

WNU Editor: If this was happening to anyone else .... their security clearance would be removed right away. My advice to the Democrats .... as this commentator puts it bluntly at the end of his post .... start dusting a Plan B.


Anonymous said...

If hillary is voted for president america she will make obama look like the golden age

Unknown said...

Can America survive 2 bad emperors in a row?

phill said...


Don't know but by the time she left office there would be more countries in the world.

Unknown said...


Break up of the U.S>?

phill said...


Obama mucked up enough with Hillary I can't even imagine. I'd like to think some states would go on vacation to get away from the bull$

Never say never.